6 - Wonder Bread

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I was coming down from my room the next morning after just staying in my room the entire day I arrived. My parents thankfully understood that I just wanted to be left alone. Dad brought me up lunch and dinner to make sure I ate.

I walked into the kitchen and saw my mom and dad sitting there having a cup of coffee.

"Hey..." I meekly said.

"Hey sweetie." My dad said as I walked over to the coffee pot and poured me a cup of coffee.

"How did you sleep?" My mom asked and I sighed just shrugged taking a sip of coffee.

"I mean it was much quieter than LA that's for sure. I forgot how quiet it was here." I said and Martha chuckled.

"Come back home more often and you would remember." Martha said and I just looked at her.

"Martha, don't..." Thomas said and I just put my cup in the sink and sighed.

"I was looking to go out today, do you guys need anything done?" I asked and Martha pulled the grocery list from the fridge.

"Can you pick these up?" She asked and I nodded.

"Of course, going back to the store is something normal I don't get to do in LA." I said.

"Whose car should I take?" I asked and my dad tossed me his keys.


"Thanks, be back soon." I went to walk out.

"Don't you need money?" Thomas asked.

"Nope, my treat." I said and he smiled as I walked out of the house and headed down to the local grocery store.

As I walked around the grocery store, I got everything on my mother's list, but I also got things I wanted and would need while I was in town. As I was looking at the ice cream selection, I felt someone come up behind me. I figured a fan, so I put on the fake fan smile and then turned around, the smile turned into a real one.

"DANE?!" I squealed and threw my arms around his neck.

"I saw you walk in but figured it couldn't have been you. You would have called and told the old gang you were back in town." Dane said as we broke apart.

"I just got back into town yesterday and offered to go shopping for mom and dad just to get out. I didn't know you would be here." I said as I grabbed my favorite ice cream and then continued shopping. Dane walked with me while I shopped.

"So, were you planning on getting together with any of us while back in town?" Dane asked and I shrugged.

"I mean I could, but I don't know. We will have to plan something. I really just want to lay low." I said and Dane nodded. We were silent until I broke the silence. "So, are you still bag boy on register 3 while Mindy Michaels works the register?" I asked and Dane asked.

"Well, it's Mindy Wilson now. And I'm Dane Wilson manager of this grocery store." Dane said and I smiled at him.

"Dad finally handed over the reins huh?" I questioned and he nodded.

"He did, Mindy and I got married and he retired giving us the grocery store. She is going to be so happy to hear your back." Dane said and I smiled.

"You two were always perfect together." I smiled.

"Like we always thought you and Chris were..."

"Chris and I were never a couple, we were never even really friends." I admitted.

"Is that why you said you didn't know him on tv the other night?" Dane said and I nodded.

"Dane, Chris and I just needed to separate okay, there was no other choice." I said and Dane held up his hands in surrender.

"I get it." Dane said. We continued shopping and I got to the bread aisle.

"Frankie?" I heard the voice I knew all too well say and I turned to see Chris coming down the aisle pushing a grocery cart.

"Chris...what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm on a break, I'm staying at Ma's. You came to Sudbury on break too?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, I needed to recharge." I said and Chris sighed. "I need to go..." I said and started to try and walk away. Dane looked at Chris.

"Chris, can you just leave her alone?" Dane asked.

"Stay out of this Dane, this between Frankie and me. I just want to talk." Chris said as I grabbed a loaf of Wonder bread.

"You want to talk? You want to talk?! NOW YOU WANT TO TALK?!" I asked raising my voice. Dane, sensing tension went to keep people from coming down the aisle. "The time to talk was 12 years ago Chris. The time to talk was after you left my aunt's house feeding me a load of bullshit lies." I said and Chris just groaned.

"I did what I thought I had to do." Chris said and I growled.

"Well, I have to do this...!" I snapped and whacked him in the upper arm 3 times with my loaf of wonder bread.

"Damn it Frankie stop!" Chris yelled. I put the dented loaf of bread in my cart and then grabbed another, none dented loaf. I passed Dane as I continued to walk towards the register leaving Chris, stunned in the bread aisle.


After my run in with Frankie at the store I was in shock to find out she was even in town to decompress. I got to my Ma's house and walked into her kitchen.

"So...how was the store?" Ma asked as I walked in. I looked at her oddly and she was just looking at me the same way.

"Fine..." I said.

"So, are we just going to act like you didn't get beat with a loaf of bread?" Ma asked and I groaned as I started putting everything away for her.

"How did you hear about it?" I asked.

"Dane called. He said Frankie was upset and you just approached her. Why would you do that?!" Ma asked.

"Did you know she was in town?!" I asked.

"I did, I was at Martha's yesterday when she got into town." Ma said.

"Ma!" I yelled.

"Don't come at me with that tone Christopher!" Ma said and I tried to calm myself. I knew I needed to calm down.

"Sorry, it's just I want to talk to her and try to work this out..."

"Work what out Chris?! What happened 12 years ago?!" Ma asked and I groaned.

"I did and said somethings on that road trip I can't take back. God knows I wish I could." I said and walked out of the kitchen.

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