44 - Déjà Vu

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Chris and I flew to LA about 4 weeks later after spending some time at home and with our families. He had to get back and get ready for the next Marvel movie and to be honest, I knew I could have stayed in Boston, but I knew I would be leaving for tour in 2 weeks from LA and I just wanted to be settled there for a while before everything went crazy. My parents had offered to come overseas with me, so I wasn't alone, and I was grateful to have someone coming with me.

They were going to fly into LA next week and we would just work on getting everything ready for them to go with us. Our first stop was Paris, my mom was so excited she always wanted to see Paris and now she would get a chance to. I was making sure we would have time to sightsee and go around Paris.

Chris and I were getting off the plane in LA and luckily, paparazzi had no clue we were flying private, so we were able to be picked up on the airstrip, privately and we were headed to Chris's place.

We were in the back on the SUV, and I was watching everything go by and noticed we were not going the way to Chris's house.

"Where are we going?" I asked and Chris smiled at me.

"It's a surprise." Chris said and I shook my head.

"Chris, no surprises. We just flew cross country, and I just wanted to get home and get comfortable with you." I said and he sighed.

"I know, but trust me, you'll love this one." Chris said and I sighed as I watched the houses and streets go by. When we pulled onto a street, I had a weird sense of déjà vu, and it started to panic me. I knew where we were, and I knew when I was here last time.

Before I could say anything, the driver pulled the SUV into the driveway, and I looked at Chris.

"Chris...what the hell is going on?" I asked as Chris got out of the car and then came around to open my door for me. I looked at him and I knew the panic was on my face.

"You knew your parents still owned this house, right? They got it when your aunt passed away." Chris said and I nodded.

"I did...why are we here?" I asked again.

"Come inside with me? Let's look around." Chris said, taking my hand as we walked up to the house, I just looked around and was confused. Chris unlocked the door, and we walked in. "Now, I know we really can't live here because of the security and people finding out but this place is a nice little hide out..." Chris trailed off. I looked around the entryway and saw that the house had been recently furnished since I knew it was empty.

Chris kept a hold of my hand, and we walked down the small hallway that led to the kitchen, and I saw pictures of Chris and I up on the wall. Photos that I knew were in our photo box, some new some old...just Chris and me.

"You could come here if you need to write or if we just want a few days out of town and away from the city itself..." Chris continued as we walked through the house and I just followed him, still holding his hand. He showed me all the rooms and even the bedroom and he smiled at me.

"Chris is this all amazing and nice, but I still don't know what is going on? Why are our pictures on the wall? Why are the pieces of furniture things you and I picked out a few weeks ago? What is going on?" I asked as we reached the living room, and I just saw more pictures on the mantel and I didn't know what was going on.

"Frankie, this is our place, our home away from home. I got it from your mom and dad. I know many, many, many years ago you had the worst time of your life in this house because of what I said to you in the driveway and what I did. This place has always held bad memories for you. I wanted to do something that would bring you good memories. I wanted to do something that would rewrite all of those horrible memories and bring you new ones to this place. I love you Frankie and I would do anything in my life to make you happy and make your future whatever you wanted it to be. You've said it in songs, I'm only me when I'm with you because we are timeless -..." Chris said, and I giggled as he smiled. "You are all I'll ever need or want in my life Frankie, it was always meant to me us, it was always meant to be me and you but like we also said before, we just had to grow up to get here. Well, I believe we are grown up enough to move forward in our lives and start a new chapter -..." Chris said and got down on one knee and I looked at him and gasped. "Frankie Devon will you please marry me?" Chris asked and I had tears fill my eyes and I just looked at Chris as I fell to my knees in front of him. He looked at me and smiled.

I nodded, "Yes, of course I will marry you!" I said through my sobs and Chris passionately kissed me. Once we broke apart, he put the ring on my finger, and I just looked at it and then at Chris.

"When did you plan all of this?" I asked Chris and he shrugged.

"Well, I had help getting it all together." Chris said and I looked at him.

"Who?" I asked.

"Come see, they are in the backyard." Chris said as we got up. I wiped my face making sure I looked good, and we walked out the door in the kitchen to the backyard where streamers and decorations were hung. I looked and saw Scott standing there but then people I did not expect. Chad was there with his One Tree Hill co-stars who I knew. Hilaire Burton, Joy Lentz and Sophia Bush.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I screamed and ran off the porch and hugged everyone. "You guys! This is all amazing! Thank you!" I said and Chad smiled as he hugged me again.

"Anything for you to finally get the happily ever after you were wanting." Chad said and I smiled as Chris walked over and shook his hand and then hugged everyone else.

"You guys all did an amazing job." I said.

"Well, you guys picking out everything helped. Chris had it sent here, I got Chad's number from Chris..." Scott was explaining.

"Which I stole from your phone." Chris said and I chuckled.

"Which he called, and I said hell yeah I was in then I recruited the girls since we needed a woman's touch." Chad finished explaining.

"Well, I don't know what else to say other than you guys are all amazing..." I trailed off and then turned to look at Chris, "Especially you!" I said as he leaned in and passionately kissed me as everyone cheered. "We're getting married!" I exclaimed once we broke apart and Scott popped open a bottle of champagne.

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