37 - Just a Song

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It had been a few weeks since New York and I hadn't given Chris an answer yet on the road trip redo. I just wasn't sure I wanted to relieve that. I knew it would be different but I still had some doubts in my mind.

I was on tour, Chris was in Boston doing a quick visit home before he joined me LA for the Grammys. I was so happy he agreed to go with me. Everyone knew we were together but now making our red carpet debut was a big deal.

I was sitting with my managers taking a break from rehearsals for the concert but I was pacing back and forth.

"I want to do something new, off the new album." I protested.

"Well the new album and the new songs aren't what's nominated. The songs you released while you were on break are what's nominated. They asked for you to perform one of the two songs." My manager said and I groaned.

"Can I have time to think about it. Those songs are extremely out dated right now with where I am in my life..." I trailed off.

"Right but it's what's nominated so you'll have to do one of them." My manager said. I just nodded. "Okay we'll get back to rehearsals and then let us know soon what son you'll be doing." My manager said and walked away

Hollie walked up to me and handed me a bottle of water and my cellphone once they walked away. I looked at her oddly, but with a smirk.

"I know you will want to talk to him..." Hollie said. I walked away from Hollie as sat on the edge of the stage with my legs hanging over.

I dialed his number and waited for him to answer.

"Hey babe, shouldn't you be rehearsing?" Chris asked answering the phone.

"I should be..." I trailed off.

"Frankie...?" Chris asked concerned.

"So my managers just stopped by to talk to me. The Grammys committee has asked me to perform." I started off explaining.

"Frankie! That's amazing! Nominated and asked to perform! That's huge!" Chris exclaimed.

"Yeah but there is a stipulation to me performing." I said.

"Which is?" Chris asked.

"Well...since the new music isn't what I'm nominated for I can't perform the new stuff. They gave me two choices to pick from." I explained.

I heard Chris sigh, I could tell he was either ran his hand over his face and his head was back resting on the couch. "What are the options?"

"Skip this Part and Tattoo."

There was silence.

I didn't like the silence and I knew he was thinking about it. He felt about it like I did.

"Well I mean if that's what you were nominated for..." Chris trailed off.

"Chris, I just don't want to perform them again. I mean I don't even have them in the shows..." I trailed off.

"Frankie, listen to me, you wrote those songs, for all intents and purposes they are what you are known for and nominated for. You have to sing one, sing one. You have me now and I have you, we have each other and we know we are past that stage." Chris said.

"I know I just hate it." I said.

"I know sweetie but go on stage, perform a song and then come back and sit with me knowing we are together now and nothing will split us up." Chris said. I loved his little pep talks. I just sighed but then smiled.

"Do you have a preference of what I sing?" I asked.

"Skip this Part. You said goodbye to me in Tattoo." Chris said and I couldn't help but smile.

"Technically I said goodbye to the pain you caused and I was changing my sound but I get it..." I trailed off with a chuckle.

"I love you." Chris said.

"I love you." I answered back. "I have to get back to rehearsals." I added.

"Go practice and I will see you in a few weeks." Chris said.

"Then you are joining me for the last half of the tour right?" I asked.

"You know it." Chris said and I smiled.

"Perfect. I will call you later." I said and we both hung up.

I got up and walked to Hollie.

"Call management, let them know I will be perform Skip this Part." I said and Hollie nodded pulling out her phone.

I looked at the band who was getting back from break.

"Okay guys, here's the thing. We are performing at the Grammys!" I said trying to sound excited as they all whooped and hollered.

"What are we playing!" My guitarist asked.

"Well that's the thing. Since the newest stuff isn't what was nominated and the songs I released while on break were, we are performing Skip this Part." I explained. They all looked at each other.

"We haven't done that song since you recorded it..." my drummer said.

"I know so I think the show is pretty down pat, we are good with the show. Let just take some time and perfect Skip this Part." I suggested and everyone nodded.

We didn't start right away, we listened to the recorded version first and then worked out some kinks before I started singing it live.


I hung up with Frankie and groaned tossing my phone in the coffee table then tipping my head back on my couch.

"Problem?" Scott asked.

"Yes and no." I said.

"Meaning...?" Scott asked.

"Well Frankie is performing now at the Grammys. Which is great and I'm so happy for her." I started off saying.

"But...?" Scott asked.

"But she has to perform one of the songs she is nominated for. Which are Skip this Part and Tattoo." I finished explained.

"So both about you and what you did to her..."


"So what is she going to do? Break rules and perform something new!" Scott asked and I shook my head.

"No, she called to tell me about it and then asked me what I thought she should perform."

"What did you say?" Scott asked.

"Skip this Part. I mean I know what it was about and I know what it would relive but honestly I did like it. I just wish she didn't have to sing it again." I explained.

"Well...she didn't have a choice. Look at it this way, no one knows it's about you and you'll be there for her once it's all done." Scott said and I nodded.

"I know...I know...I guess I just have a lot of mixed emotions. I mean she hasn't even answered me on taking a road trip together again." I explained and Scott sighed.

"You can't blame her Chris, she is scared." Scott said and I just nodded.

"I know..." I said.

"So the way I look at this is. Go to the Grammys with her, let her perform and just be there for her afterwards. Then you are going on tour with her so you guys will get all that time together." Scott said and I nodded.

"True. It will all be fine...it's just a song, not our life anymore." I stated.

"Exactly." Scott said and I gave a small head nod.

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