Untitled Part 1.

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Crow woke up and removed his eye mask and got up for the day.

Dare woke up looking around like it's morning already.

Crow and Dare are twins well semi identical twins.

Dare is intersex but amab and raised as a guy, he's fine with it.

Crow's side of the room is pink, orange and peach, very feminine and nice.

Dare's side is green, red, purple and black, very goth, very punk but nice.

They walked into the kitchen to eat breakfast.

Crow's outfit- pink tee shirt, white tennis skirt, pink tights and white converse.

Dare's outfit- diy band shirt, ripped jeans, a old flannel shirt he turned into a skirt and some combat boots.

Crow has on a white and pink hoodie while Dare has on a black hoodie.

 They sat down to eat breakfast and said good morning to everyone.

They live with their parents and one of their older siblings.

Kyro- he's a year older than them, he dresses like the fun loving happy to be there jock.

He's a college freshman majoring in fashion, he wants to help out with weddings.

"Can you drive them. "Said Mrs. Liu.

"We both have our own cars ma. "Said Crow.

"I know this but the weather calls for a lot of rain later. "Said Mrs. Liu.

"Sure. "Said Kyro.

"Cheerleading tryouts are today . "Said Crow.

"You're already a cheerleader. "Said Dare.

"I know I was just mentioning it. "Said Crow.

Crow is a cheerleader but do to him never being into outfits deemed traditional male he wears the uniform the girls do, he just needs a longer skirt because he's like six ft.

"Who are you texting. "Said Crow.

"No one. "Said Kyro.

"Raine. "Said Dare.

"Maybe. "Said Kyro.

Crow's breakfast- eggs with a strawberry jam on toast 

Dare's breakfast-cereal.

The three get ready to go.

"We have to stop at sweet delights coffee shop. "Said Crow.

"You can go a whole day without having your sugary coffee drink. "Said Kyro.

"No we should stop there. "Said Dare.

"Fine but only because we have two hours before I have to drop you off at school. "Said Kyro.

So they stopped in there.

"What would you like to order."

"Strawberry oat milk Latte with one shot of espresso and a strawberry muffin . "Said Crow.

"Mint chocolate latte with one shoot of espresso and a chocolate chip muffin. "Said  Dare.

"You guys already had breakfast. "Said Kyro.

"I know this is to go with my lunch. "Said Dare.

"Same. "Said Crow.

"Anything else. "

"Macha green tea and a everything bagel with salmon, avocado and cream cheese. "Said Kyro.

The twins looked at him.

"What this goes with my study meal before lunch. "Said Kyro.

Kyro looks like his brothers but taller, and has long hair.

Sometimes people think they are triplets but he was born in June and well one day their parents had some time to themselves and the end result was the Valentine gift of Dare and Crow.

Crow is named Crow because his parents wanted to give him a name that wasn't common.

Crow even owns a necklace with his name on it, one of those name plate necklaces.

Kyro never had to be in the same grade as his brothers because his parents didn't want to do that, it was already bad enough that he and his brothers are so close in age.

Crow has one of those hairstyles a lot of kpop idols have where it looks like a mullet but not the country/ eighties/nineties looking one while Dare has a red dyed wolf cut.

When they arrived at the school.

"If something comes up just text me. "Said Kyro.

"Will do. "Said Dare.

"Thanks for driving us. "Said Crow.

"You're welcome. "Said Kyro,

Kyro drove off.

Senior year.

Crow couldn't wait for the new experiences while Dare just wanted to get though this year.

Because of their last name their lockers are next to each other.

There's aren't any Liu in their class, they have other Chinese/Taiwanese/Hong Kong classmates but those two are the only one with Liu as their last name.

 Crow's locker aesthetic is pink, floral, royal ,strawberries with photos of his friends and stuff he likes.

Dare's locker aesthetic is green, spiders, vampires, with photos of his friends and stuff like.

The first class of the day was English.

Crow was staring at a guy he thought was cute but that guy ended up being straight and rejected him but also told him if he was gay he would never like him.

"I could cry in front of you but you don't deserve my tears. "Said Crow.

Dare got a love note that said "I'm scared to tell you how I feel but I hope you like my note."

"What kind of vintage crap is this. "Said Dare.

"What is that ."Said Jen- his best friend, South Asian, tall, punk, bisexual, listens to eighties goth music, Asian metal and rockabilly songs. 

"A love note some one gave me I don't know who did it but I don't have time for this. "Said Dare.

"Maybe someone finds you to be attractive. "Said Jen.

"I doubt. "Said Dare.

"Not all guys are like your ex Benjy . "Said Jen.

"True, he was a d bag. "Said Dare.


Crow went to his next class, he in science class working with a new student named Carson.

Some Korean guy who dresses similar to Dare and even hangs out with his friend group because at the time they didn't know he was a rude person.

Crow thought Carson was handsome but that ended in Carson saying he would never date a feminine loser guy like him.

"You're not worth my time. "Said Crow.

Crow has to be tough, he has a target on his back because of how he dresses and his interest mixed with him being Chinese American and gay just leads to people thinking he's threw all the process Asian guys did to be seen a manly out the window.

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