Untitled Part 17

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When everyone left to go back home after the trip.

Crow and Dare had a lot of packing to do.

They were moving into a townhouse.

Lucky for them it was a rent to own so like people can rent and own these houses.

Also they were able to paint walls and stuff.

The house had four rooms and a bonus in the basement.

Crow wanted that so he could work on projects for future jobs also he does commissions.

He just started doing commissions and making stuff to add a extra income.

Everyone has a job.

Crow was putting some of his stuff in his and Rama's room.

The colors are Orange and pink with black accents.

Orange is Rama's favorite color.

In the living room where's little statues and wall art of important cultural stuff.

Crow and Dare are Christian not Buddhis but they weren't raised Christian since their parents didn't want to force them to go to church.

They never went to church unless their grandparents took them.

They have only met maybe four Buddhis people in their lives and one of them is a friend of Kyro's and he's half Buddhis.


They were deciding who gets to decoration which one before they got get the stuff.

"Which one of us will be in the kitchen the most. "Said Rama.

They couldn't decided they just picked at random who gets to decoration.

Dare got to decoration.

"No Halloween decorations. "Said Crow.

"Rude. "Said Dare.

They went to one of those stores similar to a Ikea to buy stuff.

A budget was set.

They already had a couch, it was one that belonged to one of Ryker's family members.

"I got a clipboard so we can put a chore chart on it. "Said Crow.

"Smart. "Said Rama.


Dare had the great idea that he and Ryker go thrifting for stuff.

Dare is a master of thrifting.

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