Untitled Part 48

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Dare had this dream one night where he wakes up and Ryker is gone.

In the dream

He goes to call him and he never answers.

He goes to look for him in the house and he isn't there.

He askes Crow and Rama about it but they look at him funny.

Crow then mentions "you mean your imaginary boyfriend that one you took to prom you even pretend to be pregnant and given birth, you have been taking care of two imaginary children like they were actually people."

Dare was so confused.

"Ryker is a real person, none of what you say is true what the hell is happening."

"Why does he lives with us again."

"My parents wanted me to keep a eye on him because they didn't want him living with them but I'm getting annoyed by this ."

"I'm not lying. "Said Dare.

"Dare this is getting annoyed."

"I'm not lying. "Said Dare.

"Dare I'm tired of covering for you."

"For what. "Said Dare.

"Don't act like you don't know."

"I don't know."

"Ryker isn't real and you need to realize this because I'm this close to kicking you."

"But he is real, why would I make up three whole people what would I possibly have to gain from this because making up three whole people wouldn't benefit me at all."

"I'm tired of this. "

"I haven't done anything for you to be tired of since you and Rama act like Ryker isn't real."

Dare goes to find his wedding ring and engagement ring both are gone.

He asked Crow about it.

"I sold it. "Said Crow.

"Why those weren't yours to sold. "Said Dare.

"It was getting sad and annoying hearing you act like some guy gave them to you when you brought them yourself, you never got married, you never had children, you're single and living in my house for free."

"For free I have a job."

"No you don't."

"I'm a nurse."

"No you're not. "

"I went to school for it and got a degree."

"No you didn't, you didn't even get into college."

"I did get into college."

Dare went outside and everyone looked at him weird.

He heard people saying stuff like "I feel bad for his brother."

He went to where Ryker worked and well Ryker did exist but he didn't know who Dare was and if anything was annoyed upon seeing Dare.

Dare went back home and saw his stuff on the front lawn.

"What's going on . "Said Dare.

"I'm kicking you out."

"Why. "Said Dare.

"I'm tired of living with you."

"I came here to say Ryker is real he just doesn't know who I am, he got annoyed when he saw me."

"You went to that college again."

"Huh. "Said Crow.

"I'm confused."

"Just go away I don't care where you go, just never come back here again and don't bother our family again."

"I don't understand you're twin brother, my best friend, my fellow menace to society."

"I only your twin brother, I'm not your friend especially not your best friends and I would never want to be a menace to society, you go ruin your own life."

Dare had no where else to go.

He thought about Ryker was all his memories of them together just stuff he made up.

He started crying on his pullout couch bed in a smelly run down apartment.

He was sad because Ryker is the love of his life.

Ryker never thought Dare was a problem or a issue, he loved him and was one of the best guys he's ever known, he made him feel like romantic relationships was a great.

He loved him but now not only does that relationship they had not exist but Ryker doesn't even want to talk to him.

He starts coughing up blood as a cat appears.

"Darren wake up."

Dare wakes up crying.

"Babe what's wrong. "Said Ryker turning on the lamp on his nightstand.

"I have a dream, *hiccup* where our relationship wasn't real, everyone was annoyed by me, my brother kicked me out, you didn't know me but was annoyed to see me and then I coughed up blood, as a cat told ' Me to wake up' . "Said Dare.

"Come here. "Said Ryker.

Dare moved closer to him and Ryker held him close.

"That wasn't the first time I had a nightmare where someone I cared about didn't exist and in said dream you hated me."

"Yeah that dream where Crow didn't exist everyone hated you and I was straight/hated you."

"Yeah I don't know why so many of my nightmares have you hating me."

"I don't know either. "

"Maybe I'm scared of losing you."

"Well I'm not going anyway."

"I know but I'm scared that you will see me as a issue or problem."

"I could never, I think you're one of the most interesting people ever also when I say my wedding vows I meant it, I'm not going anywhere, there's no one in this entire world who makes me feel the way you make me feel. "

"I know."

"Also I have a question."

"Yeah. "Said Dare.

"Why am I straight in these dreams."

"Maybe because I can't believe you're with me and that one day you're realized 'Oh I actually like women and don't want be with a man.' "

"That would never happen I'm attractive to nonwomen and I'm married to one of the hottest and best guys in the whole world. "

"Thanks also I have a question."


"Do you ever have nightmares about losing me."

"Sometimes I have dreams where I'm alone and I try to talk to you but you can't hear me and then I end up screaming."

"I remember you had a dream like that once and then the next morning made me matcha chocolate chip pancakes." Said Dare.

"The pancakes had nothing to do with the dream I just wanted to do something nice for my husband ."Said Ryker.

"Well we both worry about stuff we shouldn't worry about because we're scared of losing each other."


"I also once had a dream that you were straight."

"Never in all of time and space in every universe in the world and unknown other worlds unless it's one where I'm a straight girl and you stay a boy but are now attractive to women would I Darren Andrew Liu ever be a straight dude. "


They kissed and went to watch some tv because neither of them could actually go back to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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