Untitled Part 30

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Dare was doing homework.

Crow walked over with a stack of magazines.

"What are those for. "Said Dare.

"To help you find ideas, I have dress centered one, suit centered one and one with both also have one filled with Chinese outfits. "Said Crow.

Dare was looking at some.

Crow is into fashion while Dare likes Diy clothes

"I'm thrifting my suit. "Said Dare.

"Yeah but you can at least look. "Said Crow.

"Fine. "Said Dare.

Dare was looking at his phone for something related to some homework.

Time jump to four months because writing a lot of chapters that also connected to wedding planning is boring.

Crow and Rama were getting married soon.

Crow was sitting down getting his hair done.

Crow's never had such long hair before.

His hair looked perfect.

The next day.

Everyone is getting ready.

Crow was sitting down in a pink robe that had his name on it.

His wedding party his friends and Dare.

As for Rama's wedding party.

His friends-a mixture of friends from his youth to newer friends.


"Dare you threw up like two times today are you okay." Said Crow.

"Yeah I'm fine it might of been something I ate. "Said Dare.

Dare had to sit down.

Crow needed some lipstick since the one he was going to use broke.

Dare agreed to go find get it since he's the best man.

Crow has a best man and a best woman.

Dare was in this store in a peach suit and black ankle boots  

He found the lipstick that Crow was using.

He got three tubes so Crow would have extras.

Dare was walking looking for anything he might need when he saw a pregnancy test.

He and Ryker want to be parents someday but they aren't actively trying.

Dare got two boxes.

When he got back he handed Crow the bag of stuff and went to use the bathroom.

He took both test just to make sure.

He washed his hands and called Ryker to tell him what was going on.

Ryker wanted to know what the test said.

"Both are negative but when we get back I'm getting another test done."

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