Untitled Part 25

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Dare was sitting in his mother's car.

He was wearing pants he got from the nurse's office and he looked so upset.

His parents knew this day would come but they thought they would be prepared for it.

Going to get personal items was something Dare has never had to do.

He knew this would day would come but not this early.

Later on Crow asked him if he was okay.

"No." Said Dare.

"It'll be okay. "Said Crow.

"Easy for you to say, you don't have to deal with this crap. "Said Dare.

"The Dare I know wouldn't let this get him down, he would say 'I don't give a crap what you think about me' "Said Crow.

"I know but this is different, I could get killed because of this. "Said Dare.

Crow didn't want to think about that, none of his siblings ever wanted to think about it but was Dare's reality, something he had to worry about.

Dare had to worry about being treated different.

A classmate had a party and invited all the boys to the party but Crow and Dare.

His responding "Crow looks like a girl and Dare will just bleed on everything."

Dare didn't even want to go in the first place but the fact that he was being excludes because of something he had no control over made him so upset.

But he learned to deal with it and the next time a classmate wanted to say something about it his respond was "You not being normal about periods is a you problem not mine."

End of flashback.

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