Untitled Part 2..

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Lunch time.

"You liked Carson Min. "Said Dare.

"Yeah . "Said Crow.

"I didn't know you were into alternative guy. "Said Dare.

"People change dear brother of mine. "Said Crow.

"I got a love note. "Said Dare.

"Let me see it please. "Said Crow.

"I put a note on my locker for the person to other stop writing love notes or show me their face. "Said Dare.

a group of people tried to trip Crow before he sat down with his lunch.

Lorena Peterson-white, brown haired, popular cheerleader who hates Crow for existing and thinks Dare is strange looking.

She's evil but her brother Chase is worst.

The Peterson family has six kids similar to the Liu family only the Peterson family acts like a picture perfect family, their youngest kids are triplets- Kirk the jock, Chase the mean guy and Lorena the rude popular girl.

Chase is the Ryan to Lorena Sharpay.

He hates Crow for being feminine.

Chase is also gay but acts like those guys who think they have a authority over other gay people because he's white.

He thinks Crow is a problem because Chase hates feminine gay men despite being the type who drinks overprice coffee and thinks wearing preppy polos is a personality trait.

"It's Crow and his walking corpse of a twin. "Said Chase 

"You have no right to make fun of my style when you dress like a pretentious preparatory private school student who thinks salt is spicy. "Said Dare.

"With a huge ego to match. "Said Crow

Chase rolled his eyes.

Crow went to go sit with his friends.

Dana, Irwin and Keila.

(in the og Dana was East Asian in this she's East Asian and Black.)

Crow got into trouble because one of Lorena's friends claimed he was picking on her and that he hates women, it caused people to hate him and he almost got kicked off the squad.

Crow was upset because none of this was true.

He ended up telling Kyro he'll be late coming home because of it.

Kyro was mad because he knew for a fact that Crow would never do that stuff also Kyro graduated last year with the Peterson's triplets' cousin who's just as rude as Chase and Lorena.

He got detention and was so upset about it.

He saw some South Asian guy in punk clothes using his pencils like drum sticks.

The guy seemed both annoying but also cute.

"Can you stop please. "Said Crow.

"Sure. "Said Rama.

"Thanks. "Said Crow.

"Don't mention it by the way I'm Rama Mishra. "Said Rama.

"Crow Liu, my parents wanted something different. "Said Crow.

"That's a awesome name, a lovely name at that. "Said Rama.

Crow was shocked because no one has said that before about his name.

 "So what are you in for. "Said Rama.

"Lorena Peterson lied about me picking on her and now the school thinks I hate women. "Said Crow.

Then he said "Also the guy I was working with who I developed a crush on likes Lorena's equally rude brother Chase."

"I worked on a project with Kirk last year and being in his house was weird a beige and pastel nightmare of Live Laugh Love signs and the cheesy artwork ever. "Said Rama.

"How come I have never seen you before. "Said Crow.

"We never had the same classes. "Said Rama.

"Oh, what are you in for . "Said Crow.

"Someone assumed I started a food fight and for slapping someone for calling me a racial slur. "Said Rama.

"Well you seem very pleasant. "Said Crow.

"So do you. "Said Rama.

They ended up exchanging numbers.

Crow got home and instead of his parents being mad at him they were mad at the school for this because Crow doesn't hate women also his mom had the misfortune of running into Mrs. Peterson once and well she's unpleasant to be around= a spoiled rich woman in ugly designer clothes with a loud mouth businessman for a husband.

Crow was on the phone with Rama.

"What are you smiling at your phone for. "Said Dare.

"Nothing. "Said Crow.

"You have a crush on someone. "Said Dare.

"Okay I do but I think he likes me too. "Said Crow.

Crow was right.

"A guy I like likes me back so I'm not going to question it. "Said Crow.

"Who is this guy anyway. "Said Dare

"Rama Mishra. "Said Crow.

"That guy who got in trouble for a food fight and a fight seriously your taste in guys is weird. "Said Dare.

"Says the guy who dated one of the biggest d bag I have ever met. "Said Crow.

"If my defend I didn't assume that he was going to make me a cake that had pineapples in it also I was dumb in love with him. "Said Dare.

"Also Rama is very cool. "Said Crow.

"Just be careful. "Said Dare.

"Will do also did you get another note . "Said Crow.

"I did the person who wrote it said they were a guy and that they think I'm handsome but they are scared that I'll reject them. "Said Dare.

"That's sweet ."Said Crow.

"It's not sweet it's just them acting shy thinking I'll fall for it so they prank me in front of everyone. "Said Dare.

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