Untitled Part 5.

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A week later.

Dare was on his date with Ryker.

They were at Ryker's studying.

Ryker's mother Mrs. Jones got home and saw Dare there.

"You must be Darren, my son talks about you a lot. "Said Mrs. Jones.

"Oh." Said Dare.

"my mom knows I'm gay. "Said Ryker.

"Cool. "Said Dare.

A month later.

Dare and Ryker are dating which shocked a lot of people.

Some people would ask Ryker is he's getting paid to do this, is this a prank etc.

Ryker hated all of that because he never understood all of this granted he started attending this school last year.

What really shocked people was when Dare was wearing Ryker's basketball varsity.

Ryker's reasoning was "I'm a gay person and I want to do this it seems and if you played a sport I would wear your jacket."

Dare respond was" That's very sweet also I suck at sports, all of my siblings are good at them but me but thank you."

"Really. "Said Ryker.

"I'm good at dodgeball ."Said Dare.

Someone assumed he stole it until Ryker cleared it up.

Seeing Dare in that jacket made Chase mad because well he's the type of guy who one hates things deemed heteronormality unless he benefits from and right now he wants Ryker since Carson is dating someone and he's not into Rama but he'll use him as backup place.

Chase tried to break the two up by making it seem like Dare is cheating.

He got Dare's number when he wasn't looking and texted him.

Dare didn't know who's number this was and blocked the number then he thought for a moment and then walked up behind Chase.

"I know what you're trying to do but Ryker isn't some accessory for rich white boys like you who only seen him as way to make your parents because your parents accept that you're gay but won't accept you dating someone who's not monoracially white. "Said Dare.

That didn't work so time to work on Rama.

Rama and Crow are a couple now.

Chase tried to talk to Rama but all he got was "You only want to talk to me because I'm with Crow if I wasn't with him you would go back to calling me a corpse or making fun of the food I sometimes bring to school."

Neither planned work so he got over it for now.

Crow and Ryker both found out what was going.

Crow told his friends about.

"Chase does seem like the type to only date a poc guy if it makes his parents mad. " Said Dana.

"That's what Dare said ." Said Crow.

"Well I got good news. "Said Keila.

"What is it. "Said Crow.

"Spill. "Said Dana.

"I got a girlfriend. "Said Keila.

"Guess you and Dana are the only single people in this friend group. "Said Irwin.

"Sorry dude but I have a boyfriend." Said Dana.

"I wish I had a boyfriend. "Said Irwin.

"What you need is to find someone you like." Said Crow.

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