Untitled Part 29

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Crow called his friends and all of them were screaming.

He called Dare and he was happy for him.

Right now Dare putting some shirts away.

One of the shirts he made himself for a protest last year that he wore for a protest to save a  black cultural center.

Feb fourteen.

Dare woke up and went to eat breakfast.

"I made you French toast. "Said Ryker.

"You didn't have to do that. "Said Dare.

"It's your birthday and I love you. "Said Ryker

Dare went to eat his breakfast.


Crow was getting dressed.

He was looking at photos of dress ideas for his wedding.

"Happy birthday to my gorgeous boyfriend. "Said Rama.

"Thank you. "Said Crow.

They kissed.

They go to eat breakfast.

Ryker tells him happy bday and he thinks him.

Then Crow looks at Dare "Happy birthday you menace to society. "

"Same to you bro."

They laughed.

Ryker and Rama don't understand it but it's okay.

Ryker had plans for tonight.

The party was at the house.

The cake was the usually half mint chocolate half Strawberry.

Crow and Dare opened their gifts.

Ryker wanted to give Dare his gift alone.

So they are open outside.

Dare wondered what the gift was and then he looked.

" I have had feelings for you for a long time and being with you is awesome, I love waking up next you, I love getting to say you're my boyfriend, this gorgeous very smart and sexy man wants to be with me, I love everything about you so Darren Andrew Liu will you marry me. "Said Ryker.

Ryker had a ring he got from a confinement store because Dare mentioned that he would never want a costly ring.

 Dare got very emotional.

"Yes. "Said Dare.

It was lovely.

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