Untitled Part 4.

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Dare was laying on the couch watching tv since he was sick and his eye still hurt.

His mom made him some soup.

Tomato soup since it's Dare's favorite soup.

He was given medicine earlier and took a nap.


Crow was getting all of his brothers' homework.

He had to deal with Chase's friends saying mean crap about him but other than that today was okay.

He found a fake flower taped to his locker.

"Fake flowers last longer. "Said Rama.

"That's so sweet. "Said Crow.

"A sweet gesture for a sweet person ."Said Rama.

Then Rama said "Do you need help caring all of that stuff. "

"No this is my brother's schoolwork, I have his backpack with me to carry it in. "Said Crow.

Rama asked Crow if he wanted to hang out later.

"Okay I just have to tell my parents. "Said Crow.

Crow's friends found out about the flower.

"That's romantic and all but you met him in detention. "Said Dana.

"True. "Said Keila.

"Like those people who met their next boyfriend at the gas station. "Said Irwin.

 "Like your aunt who dated that guy who have a collection of weird food art in his basement and smelled like BQQ sauce she met at Vine Mart ."Said Crow.

"Yeah. "Said Irwin.

"Well Rama isn't like that also we ate lunch with him. "Said Crow.

Rama found this out and felt bad.

Crow didn't like that and his friends found out about this and well they felt bad also their friend is happy and Rama didn't give them anything to worry about.

When Crow got home.

He found out that Dare had to wear a eyepatch as his eye healed from being punched.

Dare did his homework the best he could.

He went to school wearing his eyepatch once he felt better.

Someone did make a comment about.

Dare respond was "If my eye didn't hurt I would say something but my head and eye hurts too much to give a crap."

One of his teachers thought he was wearing it cause a scene.

Then he removed it and his eye looked red and swollen so the teacher didn't say another word about it.

Ryker meet up with him and asked him how his eye was.

"It still hurts I have to wear a eyepatch because of this, my dad is going to take me get my eye checked to make sure I didn't get a eye infection since it's red and swollen." Said Dare.

Ryker was on crutches.

Dare ended walking into the lunchroom with him.

He sees Chase with his good eye.

Chase was about to say something when Dare said "If my eye turns out to be infection you could get into more trouble so I don't think you want to say anything."

Lorena saw Ryker with Dare.

"Why is someone like Ryker with him ."Said Lorena.

"Because he's interesting ."Said Ryker.

Birds and Tree rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now