Untitled Part 3..

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The next day.

Crow went to go talk to Rama before class.

They were chatting.

So many people looked at Crow funny.

Even someone went up to Rama asking why would he talk to someone like Crow.

"Because I don't let rich girls and their awful sidekick of a brother clouded my judgement. "Said Rama.

The Rama said "I'm done talking. "

Later on Rama asked Crow if he wanted to hang out later.

"I can't I have practice and then I'm babysitting. "Said Crow.

Rama asked more questions.

"My oldest brother has two kids. "Said Crow.

"I could help with babysitting, I have two little brothers and a sister also I have little cousins. "Said Rama.

"I wouldn't want you to have to do that. "Said Crow.

"I want to also I like you a lot. "Said Rama.

"You do ?"Said Crow who was shocked.

"You seemed shocked . "Said Rama.

"I am. "Said Crow.

"Well we can work on that. "Said Rama.

Then he said "Where is Dare going to be."

"Work, he works at some taco place. "Said Crow.

"Cool, I work at a bookstore, I'm saving up for college so my parents won't have to pay for it. "Said Rama.

"I don't have a job, well not a real job. "Said Crow.

"What is the job. "Said Rama.

"Digital art, I want to be a digital artist I also do traditional art. "Said Crow.

"Well I would love to see your drawings. "Said Rama as they walked into the lunch room.

Their moment was ruin by Lorena, Chase and their friends.

"Look Crow found another corpse to hang around with. "Said Chase.

Rama was about to say something when Crow stopped him.

"I rather hang around interesting people than a Karen and GBF brother. "Said Crow.

"Shut up. "Said Chase.

"Or else what you already have everyone convince I hate women, what else can you do. "Said Crow.

Dare saw was going on and went to see what was going on.

"Oh look it's Crow's shadow. "Said Chase.

"Your sister treats you like a supporting character in her life so I don't think you should be talking. "Said Dare.

Dare didn't get a flying crap what anyone think about him same with Crow.

"I see how angry you are maybe it's that time of the month. "Said Chase.

Dare has a intersex pin on his backpack.

"And if I am what about it, periods are normal. "Said Dare.

"You're not normal. "Said Chase.

"Do you think I care because I don't especially from a trust fund baby. "Said Dare 

Chase got up like he was about fight Dare.

Chase can't fight but he will fight dirty.

He sucker punched Dare and he fell on the ground.

"My eye. "Said Dare.

Crow looked like he wanted to fight Chase for doing that.

Crow was seeing red and so were Dare's friends.

Chase tried to act like he didn't just punched Dare when a teacher asked what was going on.

"Chase sucker punch Dare. "Said Jerica.

"I'll take him to the nurse's office. "Said Jen.

Dare was taken to the nurse.

He had a black eye and it was swollen a little.

He sat down as his eye was getting checked.

"I don't feel so good. "Said Dare who looked like he was about throw up.

He ended up not feeling good it was something he ate.

He was laying down, he saw some guy sitting there with a wrap on his leg.

"What happened. "Said Dare being curious.

"I hurt my ankle in gym class. "Said Ryker Jones-tall, African American, Jock and also a great guy to be around because he's a caring soul.

"That sucks. "Said Dare.

"Yeah but I'll be okay. "Said Ryker.

"I'm Dare Liu. "Said Dare.

"I know who you are I'm the one who's been leaving you notes. "Said Ryker.

Ryker grabbed a tissue and a near by pen and wrote his name on a piece of paper.

It was the same handwriting. 

"Wait you're the one pranking me. "Said Dare.

"No I like you ."Said Ryker.

"You don't even know me. "Said Dare.

"I know this but I would like to get to know you when I first saw you I liked you but feelings can be hard. "Said Ryker.

Dare got up because he felt sick again and was given a ice pack for his eye.

Ryker wrote his number on a note and handed it to Dare.

Dare ended up giving him his.

Then he heard the sound of his mother yelling at the principal.

"My son has a black eye and my other son got into trouble because of that girl and her brother. "Said Mrs. Liu.

Mrs. Georgia Liu doesn't play when it comes to her children.

Mrs. Liu goes to help get Dare and help him get his stuff.

His teachers were informed that he will be out from school.

They stopped at a local clinic to get him checked out.

They got his medicine and went home. 

Dare informed his boss he won't be going to work later.

Word got around at school about the fight.

Two things happened.

People stopped assuming that Crow hated women and two that Chase finally got into trouble for something, his parents weren't happy about that.

Later on.

After practice.

Crow met up with Rama.

Crow didn't drive to school, his brother drove him.

Kyro ended up picking up his brother's car by one of his friends droving to pick it up.

Rama got out two helmets. 

"Hold on. "Said Rama.

Crow ended up not having to babysit since Dare was sick which meant his parents' plans were over.

But Rama did stay for dinner.

Crow really like Rama.

"We could hang out tomorrow if you want. "Said Crow.

"I would like that. "Said Rama.

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