Untitled Part 21

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Dare did have to deal with something super new to him.

College Basketball girlfriends/wives.

Dare was at one of Ryker's games and some girls asked him to sit with them.

He was so confused and one of them said You're Ryker's boyfriend."

"How did you know that."

And they explained how they knew that.

Dare was now in a world he has never been in before.

Partner of a athlete world- the kind of world that makes signs for their partners and wear the school colors.

Dare wasn't use to a group of people who he assumed were popular would want to hang out with him it felt weird because Dare was the always the weird punk goth intersex gay kid who spoken his mind and that usually deemed him uncool he didn't care one bit about being popular but now he's being invited to sit with people deemed cool.

So he sat with them.

He was so confused about all of this.

But then he told his friends and Crow about this.

"Oh that's a normal thing that happens. "Said Crow.

"Really." Said Dare.

"Some of the girls on the squad are dating other athletes and it's a whole thing. "Said Crow.

He told Kyro about it since he plays Hockey.

"Yeah it's a real thing for some people to give themselves a title to do their partner playing a sport. "Said Kyro.

"You are what they would call a Basketball wife or WAG . "Said Flynn.

"What the hell is that. "Said Dare.

"Wives and Girlfriends of athletes. "Said Flynn.

"But in your case you're HAB. "Said Hyunseok.

"I'm confused. "Said Dare.

"Basically since your dating Ryker a guy who plays sports you now have a title connected to this. "Said Kyro.

Dare even asked Ryker about it.

"It's sadly a thing ."Said Ryker.

"I didn't know that. "Said Dare.

Then Dare said "There's so much stuff I have to get use to doing."

"I understand. "Said Ryker

"I will suck it up only because I love you but if I'm forced to drink a overpriced pumpkin drink and post in staged autumn photos I'm going to scream . "Said Dare

Dare ended up not sitting with them because one of two only other guys in there didn't like Dare because he didn't fit the look.

Dare also had a lot on his mind because he had a test to study for.

Dare did well on the test and never missed any homework.

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