Untitled Part 38....

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Dare was getting dressed.

He was sitting down in a wheelchair because he has stitches.

Dare was holding both of his children in his arms.

When the couple and their babies went home.

The babies name are - Marlow and Marley.

Marlow Haoxuan Jones.

Marley Qingyuan Jones.

Both kids have gender neutral names and gender neutral Chinese middle names.

Dare picked out the middle names.

The photo Dare took to sent to his family and friends was a photo of him holding both babies in his arms.

They were in onesies.

The above was "Look what I did."

Followed by a 'Everything went well, I was in a lot of pain but overall everything went well."

As for what Ryker's message was, his was "Everything went well, Dare and the babies are okay."


"The nursery is done. "Said Dare.

"I only took us four days to finish it if you don't include school work and jobs." Said Ryker

"True. "Said Dare.

Dare was now sitting down.

He looked tired.

He went lay down.

Being tired all the time sucks so much.

End of flashback.

Marlow and Marley were in their room now sleeping.

Dare went to go laid down since he's still tired.

Ryker was making Dare some soup.

He informed Crow and Rama what was going on.

"We know." Said Crow.

Ryker was still so happy, he's married to the love of his life and he's also a dad now.

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