Untitled Part 14

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When they arrived there.

Crow walked in looking happy.

he had this jeweled hair clip in his hair because it looked cool.

Crow has one of those mullet hairstyles a lot of kpop idols has.

The prom went well.

When it was time for the prom king and Prom queen.

"Your prom king is Ryker Jones."

He didn't even run.

And the girl was Lorena Peterson.

Completely shocked by this.

Some people looked mad because they didn't vote for her or him.

Someone said recount.

Which they did and all of them said Lorena's name on it in the same hand writting.

The same handwriting used for the prom king one.

"We will have people vote again. "

Which they did and right when they were about to say who did it.

"I stuffed the ballot box. "Said Tanner.


"I stuffed the ballot box because I wanted Lorena to win because she deserve it and my reasoning for the other was to cause a relationship that should of never happened to break up because someone like Ryker belongs with someone like Lorena it's makes sense because they are both popular. "Said Tanner.

Lorena didn't know this neither did Chase, Chase would of done this for the same reason since he thinks his sister and best friend deserves a jock boyfriend.

So Tanner got into trouble and someone else won.

The day of graduation.

"The last of my baby birds to leave the nest. "Said Mrs. Liu.

Crow and Dare both arrived at the school with their caps and grows.

So many photos were taken after they graduation.

When senior week happened.

Dare had to put on his summer clothes, which he does own actually.

Crow wears those swim suit bottoms that cover everything.

They were staying at a near by beach town with their friends.

"You guys go. "Said Dare.

"We'll stay here. "Said Ryker.

No one asked questions especially Crow because he didn't wanna know what his brother was doing because the image would burn his eyes.

When everyone left.

"You smell so good. "Said Ryker.

"I got some new lotion it smells like cherries. "Said Dare.

Cherries are Dare's favorite fruit and Ryker really like the smell of them.

"I like it. "Said Ryker.

Then Ryker said "No one here. "

"I know what so what do you think we should do."

Ryker whispered in Dare's ear and he liked what he was hearing.

"I have to get my pills first, I'm too young to be dad." Said Dare.

"I agree with that last part. "Said Ryker.

This was the first time they have done anything.

Dare didn't want to get pregnant right not.

Dare got into the same college that Crow got into it's the same college that Kyro goes to.

Crow got a cheerleading scholarship plus one a full ride.

Dare got a full ride because he wrote a essay to get one- the paper could be about anything he chose Chinese American culture since it's his culture, he wrote about how people expect him to be a genius and when he's just a B student with no ap classes people think he failed his culture.

Dare also learned that Ryker was going to the same college he was going to.

Ryker got a full ride because he played basketball but he also got good grades.

Ryker is smart, he wants to go to school for computer science while Dare is going to school for nursing, Dare wants to help old people.


Crow is going to school for traditional and digital arts while Rama is going to school for machine engineering he wants to be a mechanic.

The four of them decided to live together since it's a lot easier this way.


The room smelled of sweet intercourse and sweet romantic.

All Dare could think was I'm going to be sore later but that's okay.

After they were done they took care of each other and clean up.

They showered and got dressed.

"Hey you're wearing that shirt I picked out. "Said Dare.

"It's not my style but you picked it out and I respect your judgement. "Said Ryker.

"You only say that because you think I'm hot. "Said Dare.

"Both are true you can be smart and attractive. "Said Ryker.

They went to get food later and as they walked together.

All either of them could think was "I'm so in love with him, I love him so much."


Everyone was talking photos.

Crow was looking at something and  went to show Rama, it was this shirt that had a bunch of dogs in funny hats all Rama could think is "I love this man so much also this shirt is funny."

Crow went to go hang with some of his friends.

He met his friend's new boyfriend.

Basically Irwin met him while looking for a suit for their prom.

This guy didn't have a date either so they went to prom together.

This guy went to another school but turns out they lived in the same neighborhood.

Anyway .

Dare ended up not feeling weird.

The food he ate earlier made him very sick.

Both him and Ryker both felt like crap.

They both end up just taking some meds  going to lay down perfectly still, they were in comfortable clothes while they rest.

They were sharing a room with two other people.

Their sweating went down and Dare's fever went down.

Birds and Tree rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now