Untitled Part 37

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When the month of Dare's due day arrived.

He was in a lot of pain but couldn't do anything.

So he practiced his breathing.

He tried talking to his friends to get his mind off of the pain since they wanted to know how he was doing and he missed hanging out with his friends since he's been on bedrest.

The pain lasted for a whole week.

Dare felt was in so much pain and wanted it to stop.

Two hours later and they are at a nearby hospital.

One of the nurses didn't believe Dare was pregnant until his medical records were brought up.

Dare was taken to a room.

He's in a hospital gown and in a lot of pain.

"Do you need any water."


"Do you wanna watch tv."


"Do you wanna got for a walk."


Dare screamed a little.

"It hurts so much. "Said Dare who started crying.

Dare has a decent pain tolerate since he has two ear piercings and a nose ring but right now his pain toleration means nothing.

Dare goes to stand up and his legs feel shaky.

He goes to lay back down.


Dare has a look on his face like it's times.

"It's time."

Ryker goes to find a nurse or doctor.

He manages to find one.

Dare doesn't know how this whole thing will work given the fact that he's intersex but some how it works.

Dare has a death grip on Ryker's hand while pushing.

"You're doing great babe."

Dare looked at Ryker with a look of don't talk to me right now.

One of the doctors tells Dare to push some more.

Which Dare does just that.

Once all of it's over.

Dare looks so tired.

"You did great."

"Good I'm tired."

"I'll wake you up later."

Ryker kissed Dare's hand.

Dare slept for what felt like a hour.

He looked so tired.

Dare was now holding both his babies.

Dare had tears in his eyes because he was happy.

He looked and saw that Ryker was crying too do to be happy as well.

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