hot tub games

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As I lay back down on my towel to continue tanning I heard my phone ping with a notification from my bag.
I took my phone out of my bag and opened the text.


Y/n I'm really sorry for not hearing you out yesterday please can you forgive me and we can move on.

Y/N 🌸
Fine but I wasn't lying.

Whatever. Where are you I checked your room you left. I thought we could go get ice cream?

Y/N 🌸
The beach. I'll come home now and change and then we can leave.
Love ya!!!

Love you too!!!

Once i packed all the stuff up and walked all the way home I was greeted by Topper sat in the front porch.

"Well hello there brother." I said.

"Sister." He replied nodding at me.
He then ran into me and started to tickle me.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!"
"Ahhhhhh!!!" I shouted while rolling around on the floor. He then stopped and helped me to stand.

"That's for stressing me out earlier this morning when I thought you ran away." He said.

"Yeah right. You just wanted to tickle me." I replied.

"Okay maybe that too." He said before I rolled my eyes playfully and heading upstairs to change.
"Don't take too long!" He yelled up the stairs.

"No promises!" I yelled back.

Once I was in my room I placed my towel in my ensuite bathroom and unpacked my beach beach before getting ready.
I had a quick shower because I was a little sweaty from being in the sun.
I did tan a little though so that's fun.

After my shower I wrapped my body in a towel and wrapped my hair in a towel before leaving to go find an outfit.

I decided on a pair of ripped jeans and a red summer top.

I put on a necklace with the letter (the letter of the beginning of your name) on it

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I put on a necklace with the letter (the letter of the beginning of your name) on it.

I then did some skincare and didn't put on any makeup because I didn't need to and started getting my hair ready. First I dried my hair with a blow dryer and then I used my curling iron to add waves and just left it down.
I then slid on a pair of white converse shoes and picked up a smaller cross body bag that fit my phone, a lipbalm, my purse and nothing else.

I then walked downstairs and saw topper sat down on a chair next to the door.

"Okay let's go!" He said jumping up off the chair wrapping his arm around me and walking out the door.

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