The return

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As soon as we were on the water, I was straight away in Sarah's arms hugging her.

"Oh, my God, oh, my God." I breathed.

"I missed you too, y/n." She whispered, hugging me tightly.

"P4L!" JJ whooped, joining our hug.

"P4L!" We all laughed as we group hug.

"Sarah, don't you ever do that to me again." I said as I pulled away, a tear rolling down my cheek.

"I promise." She nodded.

-----------------------time passes---------------------

JJ lay back against the seat of the boat, smiling at me in the sunset. I lay my head against his chest, listening to his heart beat.

"Y/n." He whispered.
"How are you?" He asked.

"I'm happy." I smiled.
"I'm finally happy." I said.

"Are you whole again?" He asked.

"As long as you're here." I whispered, nuzzling my head against his neck.
"And you love me." I said.
"Then yes, I'm whole." I whispered, kissing him softly.

The rest of our long boat ride was filled with laughter and talking. Everyone was happier than they have been in months. We didn't care about anything at that moment. Not the gold. Not how we were going to clear John B's name when we get back. Just each other. We told John B and Sarah all about everything that happened while they were gone, and they filled us in on their stay in the Bahamas. They told us all about how they snuck into Sarah's Bahama house and found the gold. All 400 million of it. They told us how Ward and Rafe tried transporting it when they realized someone had broken in.

They told us how they robbed Ward and Rafe and stole the transport. They were on their way with the gold when Rafe shot Sarah and they had to abandon the plan. Once the doctor saved Sarah's life they were too late, and they had to make a run for it. They were on their way back to Outer banks when they had stopped in Charleston for food and gas, where we had almost ran them over.

-----------------------time passes---------------------

We pulled into the marsh early the next morning, all of us happy.

"Anyone else starving?" JJ asked.
"We need to grab some breakfast." JJ said as John B docked the boat.

"We're gonna find some food." Sarah nodded, helping me off the boat.

"Ugh, Jackpot!" Kie yelled a few minutes later, holding a large watermelon above her head. The three of us sat on the side of the garden, eating big pieces of the juicy fruit.

"Holy shit." Sarah moaned as she shoved more of the red flesh into her mouth.

"Okay, so you really got married?" Kie asked, bringing up something else John B told us about.

"To JB?" I asked.

"It wasn't exactly legal, but...." Sarah smiled up at us and we gave her knowing smiles.
"Yeah," She smiled happily.
"Am I crazy, or is there definitely something going on between you and pope?" Sarah giggled to kie.

"There used to be. Not anymore." She shrugged.

"You sure about that?" Sarah grinned. Kie nodddd.

"Yes I'm sure." she said.

"And you and JJ, hot damn." She laughed.

"Oh, believe me, they had grief sex for a week straight when we thought you guys died." Kie laughed.

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