surfing and healing

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I woke up to the noise of someone rummaging through cupboards in my room. Technically it was JJ's room but who cares.

"Sorry I was just grabbing some swimming trunks." Said JJ apologising for waking me up.

"It's fine." I said smiling and sitting up.

"You're not going to ask me why I'm grabbing swimming trunks?" He said looking shocked at me.

"Why are you grabbing swimming trunks?" I said laughing a little.

"I'm going surfing in the sunrise. Wanna join?" He said.

"I don't have my surf board." I said.

"You can borrow JB's." He said.

"And I'm also not very good at surfing." I added.

"That's fine you can just flop and I'll laugh at you and then help you." He said teasing.

"Excuse me!" I said.

"You're excused." He said jokingly.

"JJ!" I shouted at him laughing.

"Kidding! kidding! Seriously though you gonna come?" He asked.

"Why not."I said.
"Oh shit! I don't have anything I can wear." I said. Silence was held for a couple seconds before JJ remembered something.

"Kiara left a bikini here in case she forgot one time, I'm sure you can borrow that." He said handing me the bikini.

"Okay! Give me like 5 minutes to get ready and I'll meet you outside." I said.
JJ nodded before leaving the room with his swimming trunks in hand.

Kiara's bikini was a brown/orange colour and fit me surprisingly perfect

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Kiara's bikini was a brown/orange colour and fit me surprisingly perfect.

I gave my hair a quick brush through with my hand before going to meet JJ outside.

"Let's go!" He said happily, handing me John b's surfboard.

When we got to the beach it was just us and the waves were perfect.
JJ ran ahead towards the water and immediately jumped into them not a thought in his head.

I carefully made my way towards JJ and tried to get up onto the board. I failed. Miserably. I fell straight into the water immediately and the salty water flew straight up my nose. I raised to the surface and saw JJ laughing at me.

"Okay haha very funny but you said that I will flop, you will laugh and then you will help me so please help me." I said.

"Is y/n Thornton asking me JJ maybank for surfing lessons?" He said smirking.

"Oh shut up!" I said judging his shoulder.

"Oh you're definitely not getting those lessons now." He said laughing.

"JJ!" I shouted at him.

"You're so fun to joke with." He said laughing and making fun of me.
I began to stand up onto my board again and JJ put me into a position that I was supposed to be in to stay balanced.
"And then you basically just do that ontop of the waves and lean and move your feet to move yourself." He explained.

"Wow you make it sound so easy." I said laughing.

JJ got back in his own board and started to surf. I joined him trying to stay afloat and I succeeded quite well until JJ's wave collided with mine and we went crashing into each other.

I didn't surface immediately because JJ may or may not have been ontop of me but I was fine.

"Omg y/n I'm so sorry are you okay?" He said.

"I'm fine don't worry." I said.

"You sure because I feel really bad." He said examining my body for any grazes.

"Why? It wasn't your fault the waves made us bash it's not like you deliberately ran me over." I said laughing before my laugh was cut off my me wincing in pain at my hand stinging.

"Shit your hand!" He shouted.

"I'm fine." I said.

"No you're not. Let's go back to the chateau and fix it." He said.

"JJ I said I'm fine really." I replied.

"Yeah no your not. You're coming back with me." He said walking out of the water.

When we got back to the chateau JJ instructed me to sit on a chair and he opened up the first aid kit.

"Okay Kiara tells me this everytime that it will sting and I never believe her until she actually does it and it does sting so be warned it stings." He said.
This made me laugh a little as I watched him try to unwrap a alcohol wipe with the cutest concentration face ever.

"What?" He asked looking at me.

"Nothing." I said smiling to myself.

"You were laughing at me!" He said.

"Never!" I said.

"Got it!" He said finally opening the packet.
"3,2,1-" said JJ before applying the wipe to my cut that went right across the palm of my hand from where I cut my hand in a rock under the water.

"Fuck! That hurts!" I shouted.

"What the hell is going on?!" Said John b coming into the room complaining at the noise I made.

"Oh y/n cut her hand at the beach so I'm trying to clean it up." JJ explained.

"JJ you have never cleaned a cut up before in your life." John b said.

"I've watched Kiara do it enough!" JJ argued.

"Let me do it." Said John b moving JJ out of the way and taking a bandage out of the first aid box and unraveling it around my cut to protect it.

I avoided eye contact with John b the whole time because I was still super pissed at him. As much as he gave me a place to stay the night he was also the reason I had to stay the night.

"All done." John b said.

"I could've done that!" JJ protested.

"JJ in all honesty you would've done it either too tight or too loose." Said John b patting him on the shoulder.
JJ just stared back at him with a hurt facial expression before sitting on the couch. John b then closed the first aid kit and went to restock it and put it away.

"In all honesty I think he did it too loose." I said sitting down next to JJ on the couch. I untied the wrap John b made and asked JJ to tie it.

The truth was John b did it fine but JJ looked so happy in this moment that nothing else mattered.

"Is it okay?" He asked.

"Perfect." I said smiling at him.

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