ditching the party

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"did you just lock us in here?" I said laughing drunkenly.

"Yup." He said carrying me over to the bed.

"Oooooooooo this bed is comfy!" I said.
Rafe laughed at me as I jumped up and down if the cushy bed.

"Y/n careful your going to fall if the bed in a second!" Rafe said. I continued jumping and laughing.
"Y/n stop jumping for me." He said.
I kept jumping before I felt my legs being pulled out from underneath me. I fell flat onto the bed and saw rafe sat next to me.

"Hey!" I said at rafe annoyed that he stopped my jumping.

"You were going to fall." He said in defense laughing.

"You're mean." I said.

"I thought you said I was cute?" Rafe said.

"Yes you are! But you're also mean." I said.

"Well then I can say that you're drunk but you're also hot." He said.

"You're also handsome." I said.

"You're also sexy." He said.

"Well you're charming." I said.

"You're a good kisser." He said leaning in and kissing me on the lips.

"You are too." I said before reattaching my lips to his. His kisses were passionate and steamy. I slowly felt his hand creep up my inner thigh. I whacked it away. A bit later on he reached his hand up near my chest and I slapped his hand away again.
I was a bit more sober now and was only just realising what was happening.
Shit! I immediately sat up pushing rafe away from me Nd getting off the bed.

"What is it?" He asked me.

"What the fuck and I doing?! We can not do this! I have to go!" I said moving towards the door. Rafe moved to be in the way.

"I don't understand?" Rafe said.
I slapped him around the face.

"You knew I was drunk and you took the opportunity to have sex with me didn't you?!" I screamed at him.

"I didn't know you were drunk." He lied.

"Oh yeah right! I all of a sudden just fell completely head over heels for you and you don't question why? Your a fucking pig rafe!" I screamed at him pushing him away from the doorway and leaving.

"Y/n! Wait!" He yelled down the corridor.

"Go to hell rafe!" I yelled back.

When I got back downstairs into the main room I found Kiara and Sarah sat down in the floor hands on their heads.
Please be sober. Please be sober.

"Guys." I said walking over to them.

"Let's go." Kiara said standing up.

"I've drunk wayyyy to much." Sarah said standing up as well.

"Where did you go?" Kiara asked me.

"Don't ask." I snapped walking out of the house.

We all soon arrived back at the chateau and collapsed on the porch.

"Hey! You're back did you guys have fun?" Said John b walking into the porch.

"I drank too much." Sarah said.

"By the looks of things all of you did." Said John b laughing.

"We danced on top of a table." Kiara said.

"Sounds thrilling!" John b said sarcastically whilst laughing a little.

I stood up and walked through to my room not wanting to talk to anyone.
How the fuck did that happen. I was so drunk and rafe saw that as an opportunity to have sex. Thank god I sobered up a bit or who knows what would have happened.

I slammed the door behind me because I was so furious at myself for letting myself even get that drunk in the first place. JJ is going to be so pissed at me.

I immediately started taking off my heels and outfit to get into my PJ's which are more comfy and after I was Finnished changing I heard a knock at my door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"JJ. Are you okay I heard you slam your door. Can I come in." He said.

"Yeah you can come in." I said.
He opened the door and closed it behind himself.

"You okay?" He asked me sitting down next to me.

"Not particularly but I'll get over it one day." I said.

"What happened?" He asked me.

"I don't want to talk about it." I said.

"Hey hey hey it's okay. Whatever happened I'm here for you." He said.


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