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The radio was playing in the car. Sure s rushed by and JJ jumped up looking out the window as another cop car sped by. We hid out in a small shack on the side of the road, hidden by laid back seats in kie's car. Kie turned the radio off as it started to describe the suspect.

"Mabye you guys can help, being the smart ones and all, but....who are the cops going to believe?" JJ sighed.
"Ward Cameron or us?" He added.
"So, the accuser is a big shot developer, kind of lord of the island, got the governor on speed dial kind of person, and the accused is John b who is....pretty much a homeless 16-year-old boy at this moment." He added.

"Thanks." John b said.

Then JJ started talking about Yucatan and how it was the only option.

"Enough with the Mexico bullshit! Alright, Sarah will bail me out." John b said.

"She did witness the whole thing." Kiara agreed.

"Thank you." John b said.

"And she is going to snitch on her brother?" Pope asked.

"Not happening bro. We gotta get you off the island." JJ said.

"The ferry. it's the only way." Pope said.

"Yeah, exit stage left while you still can, okay? Before the entire island is on lockdown." JJ said.

"Guys get down." Kiara said as more sirens pass.

"Sarah is not a pogue John b." Pope said.

"Yeah, you can't stay here man." JJ said.

"Fine. Ferry it is." John b said.

-----------------------time passes---------------------

We drove all the way towards the ferry for nothing. Pope came back into the car holding a wanted poster with John b's face on it and we found out that the ferry is closed.

"$25,000." Pope said showing us the wanted poster.

"Okay so the whole island is looking for John b right now." I said.

"Congratulations John b you're now famous." JJ said.

We talked for a bit debating our options and landed on the fact that John b needed to leave the island on JJ's dad's boat called the phantom.

"Mom, look!" A tween boy shouted pointing at our car. Pope tries to move the car.
"It's that guy right there!" The boy called pointing at us.

"Hey!" Another man yelled.
"He's right here!" He called banging on our window and looking at John b.

"Pope we gotta go!" JJ screamed.

"I found him!" The guy yelled.

"I found him first!" The little boy yelled.

"Hell you did, you little bastard!" The guy yelled.

"Pope turn the fricking car on!" Kiara yelled.
We all started to yell and pope begging him to turn the car on.

"Go! go! go! go! go! go! go!" JJ yelled as the car lurched forward driving straight into another car.
Pope drives forward driving our car into the car Infront of us.

"Pope the other way!" Kiara yelled.

"It's okay pope just go!" JJ shouted as pope pulled around the other car, tires screeching. We manage to get out of the spot we were in and drove through the grass and through the pedestrians.

"Hey!" A cop shouted at us as we drove past her.

As we race away from the cops the car suddenly screeched to a halt.

"John b get out." Pope said.

"He's right we'll draw the cops you run." JJ nodded.

"Shit." John b whispered before jumping out of the car.

"Alright I'll get the rig and meet you in the dump tomorrow okay? Three o'clock." JJ said.

"Yeah." John b nodded.

"Three o'clock tomorrow at the dump!" JJ called after him.

-----------------------time passes---------------------

Kiara decided to go to visit Sarah and try and find a way out of this mess so while Kiara and pope were gone me and JJ were the only ones in the car.

"Well this is very chaotic." JJ said.

"Somebody was murdered JJ! Of course it's chaotic." I said. JJ went quiet.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to tell I'm just stressed." I said.

"I know it's okay." He said.
"You know.........I know something that helps with stress." JJ said.

"JJ I'm not in the mood to smoke." I said.

"Not that although that does work. I was thinking more along the lines of finishing what we started yesterday." JJ said.

"JJ......." I said.

"Y/n........" He said.

"John b is on the run, we are parked outside the accusers house and you want to makeout?" I said laughing a little.

"It will relax your body you know?" He said.

"Oh really?" I said.

"Mhm." He said leaning over to me in the back of the car.

He laid his lips against mine and we began making out in the car.
He was right it was relaxing me however, another part of me was stressed that pope and Kiara would come back and see us.

"JJ I can't do this right now." I said.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"It's not you it's just I'm worried about John b. I mean he is wanted for murder. Who knows what will happen to him if the cops catch him." I said.

And as if I knew pope and Kiara returned. Thank god we weren't on top of each other kissing when they did and that we were indeed separated from each other looking like we were just chilling.

Note from writer: hi guys! I was planning on starting another marvel themed book. I'll be going back and forth between this book and that marvel book. So the updates in this book will be slightly further apart but I promise you will still get the same juicy content you desire. I will try to post chapters for this book every Monday and Friday and then post chapters for my marvel one every Wednesday and Saturday!

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