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We eventually found out that Gavin had the murder weapon that rafe used and he was using it as leverage to get more money from ward. Long story short we followed Gavin to a meeting point with ward and Gavin got shot. We had it all on video but Pope wanted to use a weird camera that would have better quality and Kiara caused chaos which broke the camera. However the gun went down a drain which we thought we would try and remember for later.

After an eventful evening me and JJ went back to the chateau and pope and Kiara went back to their homes.

"Jayj....." I said.

"Yeah?" JJ said.

"Do you think we will be able to clear JB's name so him and Sarah can come home?" I asked.

"I know we can." He said reassuring me.

"God I hope so." I said as JJ pulled me into a hug. As I burried my face in JJ's neck I felt safe and relaxed. I felt the sensation of a tear roll down my cheek.

"Hey, hey, hey, we can clear their name. It's going to be alright." JJ said wiping my tears off my cheek.

"I miss her." I said talking about Sarah.

"I know. I miss John b. But we gotta stay strong and focus on getting their freedom back." JJ said.

"Mhm." I said trying to pull myself together.

-----------------------time passes---------------------

I woke up in the middle of the night not being able to sleep so I got up out of my bed and went outside in the backyard for some fresh air. The air was warm but had a refreshing breeze. It wasn't too hot and the breeze wasn't too strong. It was the perfect weather.

I sat down on a clean and comfortable patch of grass and stared out into the distance. My eyes drifted around the sky looking at all the stars. I managed to make out a few of the constellations.

"You okay? I heard you leave." Said a voice from behind me. JJ.

"Yeah, just couldn't sleep." I said.

"The sky is really clear tonight." JJ said sitting down next to me on the floor.
We both lay back onto our backs.

"You see those stars right there." I said pointing to the sky.

"The ones in a square sort of shape?" JJ said.

"Yep." I said.

"Yes I see those." He said.

"Well if you add the line with those stars to it, it becomes something called the big dipper." I explained.

"It looks like a wonky spoon." JJ said.

"It does doesn't it." I said sort of laughing.
"And you see that really bright star over there?" I said.

"Yes." JJ said.

"That's the north star. Everything moves around that. Sailors used it as a navigation tool. It leads the way." I said.
I heard JJ's head turn to face me to I turned sky head to loon at him too. We were both lying on the ground facing each other.

"You know you're cute when you're smart." He said.

"You're cute when you tell me I'm cute." I said laughing and leaning in to kiss him on the lips. His kisses were gentle yet so passionate. We rolled over so he was laying on top, straddled over me. He sat up so he was pinning my arms above my head and continued to kiss me. The kisses slowly moved down towards my neck which made my breathing wavy. God he felt so good against my skin.

"I love you." I said through the kisses.

"I love you too." He said as my back arching slightly.

After a 30 minute makeout session, me and JJ went our separate ways in attempt to sleep again. When we woke up the following morning I went through to the kitchen to get myself something to eat when I saw JJ.

"Morning cupcake." JJ said pulling me into his body from behind me by the waist.

"I swear to god JJ, I get a mini heart attack everytime you do that." I said.

"Okay but you also blush and look like you get butterflies everytime I do too so.........." He said. He wasn't wrong. As much as it scared me everytime, it was one of my favourite feelings.

"You're lucky you're hot." I said kissing him briefly on the lips before going to the cupboards.

"Yeah but you know I'm right." He said smirking as I smiled at him rolling my eyes.

"Knock! knock! Kiara and pope have entered the building." Said pope from the porch.

"Morning guys!" I said.

"Morning JJ, morni-" Kiara started before she stopped mid sentence.
"Okay I understand you guys are having sex probably daily but we don't need you to prove it to us. Y/n, JJ gave you a hickey on your neck." Kiara said disgusted. I looked into the closest shiny object and realised it was true.

"Seriously?! You're so annoying!" I said towards JJ wacking him on the arm.

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