blood and running

20 0 2

The four of us step out of the garage as we watch the plane fly overhead.

"There goes the gold." JJ said.

"Fuck!" Pope screams chucking something through the air.

"Pope!" Kiara gasped.

"Goddammit!" Pope screamed picking up a wrench and slamming it repeatedly into a table.
"Shit! Fuck!" He screamed.
"Shit! Dammit!" He continued as he shattered glass and smashed metal.
I flinched with every crash.
We all stared at each other with concern in our eyes as he ran around the garage breaking everything in sight.

"Pope!" Kie screamed again.
Pope yelled chucking a metal trash can across the lot.
"Pope!" Kiara screamed again as pope breathed heavily. Pope finally sat against a chair running his hands through his hair.
"Pope." Kie whispered.

"Yeah dude. I was wondering when this was gonna happen." JJ said holding out a e-cig.
"Here you go chief." JJ said.
"A little weed never hurt no one." He added.

"JJ." I mutter and kie gives him a look.

"You know he doesn't smoke." Kiara said. Pope snatched the weed out tif kiara's hand.

"Well, mabye not until today." JJ grins.

"Pope." Kie sighed as JJ sat down next to pope. Pope pulls the weed to his lips slowly.
"Yeah what's that gonna help." Kie sighed.

"I lost my scholarship." Pope whispered.
"Walked out in the middle of the interview." He added.

"Every- it's gone. It's not gonna happen." Pope said shakily.

"You did that for us?" Kie said.

"No, not for us." He said. Pope stood up and moves to face Kiara.
"For nothing." He added.

"I'm here for you, pope." JJ said.
"Welcome to my world, okay?" He added.

"JJ-" I said.

"What?!" JJ shout.
"He's right. It doesn't matter anymore." JJ said.

"There's nothing left for us." Pope said before he took a hit of weed.

"You don't have to do that." Kiara said.

"Since when do you care?" Pope added.

Suddenly we all jump at the presence of somebody behind us. John b.

"Dude! You good?" JJ shouted sprinting towards John b.

"Oh my god!" Kiara shouted.

"John b!" I screamed.
JJ picked up one of John b's hands covered in blood.

"Is this yours?" JJ asked.

"Who's blood is that?" Kiara asked.

We all stood there in shock as we stared at John b's blood soaked hands.
Slowly sirens approach.

"You okay man?" Pope whispered.

"John b are you okay?" I yelled.

"Shit." Pope said as the cops drove past us. We all ducked so we were hiding behind the clutter as the car passes.

-----------------------time passes---------------------

"John b what are we doing at the police station?" JJ asked.

"Somebody's gotta tell them what happened." John b whispered.
Pope began to cough holding the cig bud away from his face.

"Alright I'm just gonna be real with you right now, you might end up in the lions den but you don't go there on purpose." JJ said.
"It's fundamental, just like my old man always told me you should never ever trust cops no matter the circumstance." He added.

"Your old man's an abusive liar." Kiara said.

"I agree with JJ." Pope said.
"Fuck the police." He said.

"You going to the dark side now?" Kie sighed.

"When's the last time the police ever helped us?" Pope said.

"Peterkin looked out for me, alright?" John b said.
I recount the story John b told us again. About how after he had gotten Sarah off the plane, Sheriff Peterkin arrived and tried to arrest Ward Cameron for killing his father but rafe shot Peterkin.

John b entered the police station and the four of us stay in the van.

We move around so me and Kiara are in the back of the van together and JJ and pope are in the front of the van.
While the boys talk in the front me and kie talk.

"So what's the deal with you and pope?" I ask.
"He seems pretty annoyed with you."I said.

"I don't know. I guess I'm not being an amazing girlfriend lately but to be honest I don't know if I am in love with him anymore. I mean don't get me wrong I love him but I don't know, it doesn't feel the same. It's like we were better off as friends." She said.

"Awh I'm sorry." I said.

"No it's fine. I mean I've seen all the movies and they all say they are supposed to feel like this magical, perfect feeling that makes you go crazy and do anything for them. I've never felt that. I probably sound crazy but once you find your person you'll get it." She said.

I think back to all the times I've spent with JJ so far and Kiara's description is very accurate. I mean I could just be lying or sitting next to him and I get butterflies. Or I'll go to bathroom in the middle of the night and we bump into each other and I see his sleepy tired face and it makes me fall even more win love with him. Or this morning when he was kissing me I want those kind of moments never to end. It feels like a magical rollercoaster that I can never get sick of.

I look over to the front of the van and see pope and JJ laughing together. God his smile was adorable.

Suddenly we hear John b yelling from outside the van.
"Start the car! Go!" He yelled.

"What did you do?" Pope asked.

"John b what did you do?" Kiara asked.

"The cops! Go!" John b screamed.

JJ, Kiara and me all yelled at John b to ask what he did.

"Shit!" Pope yelled as he started the car.

"Pope! Drive! Go!" John b yelled as a cop started banging on the door.

"I'm going!" Pope yelled.

"Go, pope! Go!" John b yelled as the cops outside the van yelled to stop the car.
We sped away, the cops running after us.

"Stop it right now!" The cops yelled banging on the doors.

"What did you do?!" I yelled with Kiara at John b.

"Open it." Pope said. John b opened the car door, slamming the cop off the side of the car.

We were all silent as we drove away.

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