mosquitos and feelings

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"Okay so we need to look for the wheat near the water like it said in Denmark's letter." Said John b.

"What kind of water? Like pond water?" Said pope. JJ laughed.

"Bong water?" JJ asked laughing.

"No I- it- it- just look for water okay?" John b said.

"That's the shittiest secret message ever." Said kie.

"I'll search the northwest quadrant, you got the northwest." Pope tells JJ.
"Y/n and Sarah you guys do the front of the house." He added.

"I have to search the decapitation quadrant?!" Said JJ stressing out.

Pope wondered off and me and Sarah began walking away.

"Wait! Wait! Guys! Somebody please come with me!" JJ begged me and Sarah.

"Oh come on JJ the stories aren't real!" Sarah said.

"Y/n! Come with me please!" JJ begged.

I glanced back at Sarah. She gave me a whatever look.

"Fine." I agreed walking towards JJ.

"Yay! Let's go Lacey!" Said JJ as we walked off.

"Lacey?" I asked him.

"Yep. Cause your bra was Lacey." Said JJ.

"Oh god. Please do not call me that! Or mention that ever again!" I said.

"Oh come on it's nothing to embarrassed about. It's not like it was the first bra I've seen or held." Said JJ.

"Wow how comforting." I said in a sarcastic tone. I don't know why but the thought of what JJ just said made me feel annoyed like he was cheating on me or something which is dumb because we aren't together.

"Fine I won't call you Lacey." He said.

"Thank you." I said.

"Is Lette better?" He said. I immediately knew he meant that as in bralette.

"JJ!" I yelled at him slapping him arm.

"Kidding! kidding!" He said putting his arms up in defense.

After a few minutes of searching John b's voice echoed over the grass.

"This is the only place we haven't looked guys!" John b said entering a Crawlspace door at the base of the house. The dark space was full of pipes and insulation.

"Came down Mrs crain and cut off all our heads......." JJ began to sing.
"Yo came the sun and dried up all the blood." He continued.

"Can you stop?" I hissed at him shining my flashlight into his eyes.

When we got through the maze if pipes we were able to stand up straight in a small space.

"See any water?" Kie asks swatting a mosquito that flew past her.

"There's not even water on the pipes." Said pope.

"Not a dropamino." JJ said.

Kiara suddenly slapped John b.

"What the hell was that for?!" John be said.

"Skeeter." She said holding up the palm of her hand to show him the dead bug.

"Skeeter?" John b said.

"Yeah you see it?" Kiara said.

"Yeah." John b replied slapping Kiara back.
"Skeeter." He said.

"Where's your proof?" Kiara asks.
John b held up his hand.

"Skeeter." John b says as Kiara shine sher flashlight in his hand revealing the dead bug.

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