the hospital

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Note from writer: in this chapter I'm starting to introduce the hunt for the royal merchant's gold. I would just like to make clear right now that I know the storyline is all jumbled for example the midsummers party being at the start etc and the lines aren't going to be the same. I'm creating new lines and a way of doing things but just go with it BCS they will still go on the same journey vaguely and get the same gold in the end.

The last thing I remembered was the loud sirens of the ambulance and paramedics talking to each other as they applied pressure to my wounds.

I found myself waking up in a hospital bed with a drip attached to me.

"What happened?" I asked as a nurse came into my room.

"You lost a lot of blood but the surgeons managed to patch you up and you should be allowed to leave in the next day if your stats continue to be normal." She said.

"Thank you." I said smiling at her and trying to sit up in the bed. Once I got my body fully upright I felt an odd sensation in my stomach area. I pushed the duvet cover away to reveal a part of my stomach completely covered up with a bandage.

"Would you like anything to eat? Your doctors say you can." Said the nurse.

"Can I just have a glass of water please." I said.

"Of course!" Said the nurse leaving the room.

As I say there in my hospital room It suddenly occurred to me the whole situation. My own brother shot me. I mean he definitely seemed high and not thinking properly but still. And did anyone know I was here? My mum?! Sarah?! The pogues?!

As I pondered over this thought the nurse came back holding a glass of water.

"Here you go miss Thornton." Said the nurse placing the glass in my bedside table.

"Do you know if my family was notified about my accident?" I asked the nurse.

"Yes I believe your mother was told and that your brother already knew." She said.

Of course my brother already knew! He was the whole reason I was here!
I looked around for my phone.

"My phone! Where is my phone?!" I said.

"One of the paramedics collected it off the floor when the collected you. Let me go grab it for you." Said the nurse.
I was so appreciative of this nurse because she was being so sweet towards me.

"Thank you so much!" I thanked her as she came back with my phone.

"No problem. If there is anything else you need there is a button attached to the side of your bed that will send for me." She said.

"Thank you!" I said before she left.

The pogues pov:

In the time that y/n got shot the pogues had been on a boat talking about how they are going to get the royal merchant's gold. They found out that the gold never left the island.

"Harvest the wheat in parcel nine, near the water." John b said.
"However there is no wheat. Wheat is code for gold." He added taking out papers and showing the wheat symbol.
"The gold is in parcel nine, near the water." He added.

"Holy shit!" Kiara said excited.

"I'm so proud of you right now man." JJ said holding John b by the cheek.

"Thank you." John b replied to JJ.
"Okay so all we need is an original survey map of the island and we have found the gold." Said John b.

"So there is actually a chance of this being true." Pope said.

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