the sewer

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"Alright so if it got flushed out from this drain, it would probably be pushed out to like-" JJ started.

"Somewhere in this trash." Pope Finnished looking around in the piles of floating plastic.

"Correct." I agreed.

"Oh, my god, people who use plastic should be shot." Kie muttered.

"Okay, I personally love plastic. Use it everyday. Love the stuff." JJ smiled.

I have him a very sharp look, rolling my eyes as I pull apart the pile of rubbish.

"Yeah, well, hopefully you recycle it and don't just let it flush into the ocean." Kie argued.

JJ looked at me before turning his attention to organising the rubbish into trash bags.

-----------------------time passes---------------------

"Well that was fun." JJ sighed.

"If it's not here then it's gotta be in the storm drain." Pope said.

"It's in- it's in the storm drain." JJ nodded.

"Damn it." I sighed.

"Of course it is." Kie nodded.

"So are we gonna do like rock paper scissors?" Kie asked.

"No." JJ shook his head.

We all yanked the drain open.

"Or is it like oldest goes?" Kie asked.

"There's like this worm that you get when you're down there. It gets into your blood, and then it- then it has to come out your pecker." He pursed his lips before looking at kie and I.
"So uh.......that would be a hard pass for me." He added.

"Yeah, that's a no for me." Pope nodded.

"No I get it." Kie shurgged.

"I get it you guys are scared." I nodded.

"No, no, I'm not scared." JJ defended.

"It's kind of cute." I shrugged with a laugh.

"We aren't scared. It's just the pecker thing." Pope said.

"Yeah! I'm not scared." JJ defended.

"You should've just led with that. You don't have to be scared. I'll do it." I Said.

"Okay but like-" JJ started. I gave him a look.
"Just you know, be careful." JJ said.

"I'll be so careful." I nodded sarcasticly as I put my hand on either side of the drain.

"I deserve that." JJ said.

I got onto my hands and knees, crawling through the muddy water into the drain pipe. I held my breath as I entered the dark and dirty space, unsure what's floating in the water around me.
"Shit." I muttered as I crawled deeper, vines scraping my face.

"Y/ find anything yet?" Pope's voice echoed through the tunnel.

"Do you see the gun?" Kie asked.

I looked forward into the dark cave as far as I could see, dirt pooling around my hands and water dripping above me.

"Nothing." I called back with a nervous exhale.

"It's probably at the bottom of the catch basin." I heard kie yell.

I grunted as I pulled myself out of the pipe and into a pool of sewage. I sat back against the wall, the sewage pooling at my waist as I panted heavily. I glanced above myself at the grate, sunlight streaming through the cracks. I carefully leaned back, reaching my hand into the sewage and searching for the gun.

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