fun and games

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After I found out that JJ gave me a hickey I was really annoyed at him. Like really annoyed. I understood the fact that he wanted everyone to know that I was his but come on! A hickey?!

Everyone was over, well everyone that could be there. Obviously Sarah and John b were still in the Bahamas but JJ, pope, Kiara and I were all chilling at the chateau.

We decided that it would be fun to play another game of our classic truth or dare so we all sat around in the hot tub and began to play.

We decided that it would be fun to play another game of our classic truth or dare so we all sat around in the hot tub and began to play

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"Pope you're up first!" JJ said.
"Truth or dare?" JJ asked.

"Dare." Pope said.

"I dare you to give Kiara a lap dance." He said laughing. Me and JJ watched as Pope started to give Kiara a 10 second lap dance.

"Okay JJ truth or dare?" Pope said.

"Dare." JJ said.

"I dare you to makeout with the hottest person in this hot tub." Pope said.
I stared at him as he made him way over to me and placed this hands on my hips before putting his lips on mine. Our lips collided with each other like it was meant to be.

"I hope you enjoyed that because you are not getting any of thisssss tonight." I said holding the ending of this for longer and shaping my body with my hands as I did so.
JJ looked at me upset and confused.
"You know what you did." I said flicking my hair to one side as I did so revealing the hickey.

"Fine kie truth or dare?" JJ asked.

"Dare." Kiara said.

"I dare you to estimate y/n's bra size." JJ said. Honestly it wasn't even a big deal. Me and kie and Sarah were all besties and since Sarah had been off in the Bahamas me and kie had gotten really close. So trying to estimate each other's bra size was nothing. The boys watched as Kiara placed her hands on my chest and began guessing. To my suprise she actually guessed right on the 1st try!

"Is someone regretting their choices of making me do that? Is someone jealous?" Kie teased JJ.

"Oh please I'm not jealous I'm just surprised you guessed it." JJ said.

"Yeah sure totally you're not at all jealous that I just felt your girlfriend's boobs and you can't because you messed up." Kie said laughing and exaggerating the last few words.

"Relax Pope we are practically best friends so I could kiss her on the lips and that would be fine so her touching my boobs is nothing!" I said laughing once again at his shocked face.

The game continued for a little while before we decided to go to the wreck.

"Hey dad!" Said kie as we entered walking over towards the kitchen area of the restaurant and hugging her dad.

"Hey kiddo!" Said her dad (Mike). I walked right behind kie.

"Hello Mr Carrera!" I said giving him a high five.

"Y/n! Nice to see you again!" Said Mike.

"Don't suppose you can spare me and my friends something to eat?" Kie begged.

"Look at them kie. Their just hungry pelican's." Mike said staring over at JJ and pope who were wandering around the tables.

"Please Mr Carrera." I said chirping in.

"I don't know. I don't like your friends Kiara." Mike said towards kie.

"Dad! They are my best friends! And all the kooks at the kook academy hate me!" She said.

"Apart from Sarah and y/n right? But I guess now it's just y/n. Sorry about Sarah again y/n I know you two were like sisters." Mike apologised.

"Thank you." I said.

"Dad please........." Kie said.

"Fine." Mike said. Both me and Kiara looked at each other excited before turning to the boys and instructing them to sit down.

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