the crain house

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I woke up in my room (it's technically JJ's but I'm saying it's my room now since JJ gave it up for me.) and opened the blinds to then be blinded by the sun. I searched my way through my suitcases to find something to wear and decided on a pair of shorts and a cute top.

 I searched my way through my suitcases to find something to wear and decided on a pair of shorts and a cute top

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I carried my clothes in a pile towards the bathroom and figured out how to lock the door and turn the shower on.

I brought my own shampoo, conditioner, body wash, towel and razor so I didn't have to worry about sharing with anyone.

Once I cleaned myself and changed into my outfit I collected up my previous set of clothes, unlocked the door and exited whilst drying my hair in the towel. I couldn't see where I was going and accidentally bumped into someone. Me both went toppling down onto the floor so I was laying on top of them.

"Well hello there." Said JJ in a flirty voice. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm so sorry that was completely my fault!" I said fumbling my way off of him.

"Y/n?" He said.

"Yeah?" I said.

"You forgot something......" He said holding up my bra that I had taken off to change into my new outfit.

I embarrassingly snatched it out of his hands and ran into my room slamming the door shut behind me.
Oh god! That did not just happen!

"JJ what did you do? I heard y/n slam her door." I heard JB say outside in the corridor. Fuck he was gonna tell him what happened! This is so embarrassing.

"She left a window open inside. The wind pulled it shut. You know. It happens all the time." Said JJ. I stood in the other side of the door smiling at the fact that JJ didn't tell John b that he found my bra and I got embarrassed and ran away.

"Oookay well the others will be here soon and we need to have a proper look at this map together." John b said.

"Oh right yeah! G game! Wait what are we going to tell y/n?" Asked JJ.

"Nothing. We don't need to involve anyone else." John b said.

"Dude your kidding right?! Y/n is one of us now! You're not seriously telling me that you involved Sarah Cameron who was mortal enemies with your best friend and your not going to involve the one living in your house?!" Said JJ.

"Look dude we'll talk about this later okay?!" Said JB.

"Whatever. I think we should tell her." Said JJ.

What where they talking about? And why did John b not want me involved? He said he would do anything to make it up to me and then he does this and is trying to hide something from me. At least JJ had my back.

I sat in my bedroom for another 10 minutes or so before I heard the others arrive. I decided to stay hidden in my room and see if I could hear anything else about this thing JB didn't want me to find out about.

"Okay so we need to look for landmarks that haven't changed." I heard Pope say.

"What about the old forts?" John b asked.

"Battery Jasper." Kiara said.

"Okay let's go." Said John b.

"Wait! Y/n is a part of this group now and I think we should include her." Said JJ.

"I'm fine with that." Said Kiara.

"Do you even need to ask?" Said Sarah.

"Yeah." Pope said.

There was a long pause before I heard John b finally agree and someone walk towards my door.
I immediately ran and jumped onto my bed so it looked like I wasn't listening in right before the door opened.

"Hey y/n we kinda have something to tell you......" Said JJ as he opened my door.

"Sure." I said knowing exactly what he was about to say.

"We're looking for the royal merchant's gold and we think we know how to find the location. You want in?" He asked.

"Wait the Royal merchant as in Denmark Tanny?" I said.

"The one and only." Said JJ.

"Hell yeah I'm in!" I said excited hopping off the bed and going over to leave the room.

They all explained to me everything and how they wanted to go to battery Jasper (which I already heard) so we headed there and soon arrived.

"We're in the battery right here." Pope said pointing at the map.
"So if this is parcel nine then it's gotta be somewhere northeast of here." Pope continued.

"Somewhere over there." Kie said pointing out into the distance.
Pope agreed.

"Over there? Guys that's not Tannyhill that's a subdivision." JJ said.

"Tannyhill plantation used to be the entire island." I remembered.

"It got sold into smaller pieces over time." John b said.

"Okay so we're just looking for an old stone wall." Pope said pointing to the landmark in the map.

-----------------------time passes---------------------

"Okay so the road should split up here." Pope said from the passenger seat glancing between the map and the road.
"Alright you're gonna take a left." Pope added giving John b instructions on where to drive.
We drive down a dusty dirt road, hidden by ivy, and a stone wall.

"That looks like a stone wall to me." JJ said.

"This is it." Pope nods.

"Not the crain house." John b said.

"Are you kidding me?" Kiara complained as she walked up to the wall and looked up at the old house.

"Worst case scenario." JJ said.

"Why'd it have to be here......." I said.

"Of all places." Sarah Finnished.

As we approached the house JJ told us all these creepy stories about Hollis crain and how she found out that her mother killed her father and that Mrs crain buried her husband's head on the site.

"You sure you wanna do this? She's an axe murderer, man, and you got a cast on." JJ said.

"I don't give a shit if she's an axe murderer okay?" John b said. Pope, me, Kiara and Sarah all looked shocked.
"I've got nothing to lose right?" John b said towards JJ.

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