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"I like you!"

He opens and closes his mouth several times.

Once the bell rings, noises of chairs being scraped and shoes screeching across the floor. An H/C haired girl stays behind along with a few students. The teacher had already left for the next class.

She felt like this had already happened before. It always does. Her days would consist of school, club duties and trying to look for the black haired boy.

Oftentimes, she had found herself absentmindedly staring in space, someone.

Y/N had tried to forget. She didn't. She tried to ignore the presence of the boy who had been occupying her mind ever since.

She had known him since they were very young. They had been classmates, aquaintances.. friends? That- she wasn't certain. They had been talking but it was either about school work, or their friends. She lets out a sigh, regretting why she was nervous asking for more.

Her eyes scans through the crowd outside and spots the black haired boy she had been crushing on for years. With his back hunched down, an arm rests on his shoulder, he seems to nod to whatever his friend was saying, completely unaware that a pair of eyes have been watching him from afar.

She had been standing near the booth, attending a short meeting with the council after an unruly incident with a group of students climbing over the wall to skip class. Sadly, she wasn't paying attention to them but rather to a specific boy just a few meters away from her.

He smiles nervously, but nods anyway. His mouth began to utter words that she couldn't hear. He's so cute. The boy fixes his bag from his side and his friend pats him on the shoulder, laughing at what he was saying. Sometimes he would hide his face through his hair.

They all sat underneath a shade, conversing and all of a sudden they ruffled his hair to something that he had said.

"So Y/N, what do you say?" She immediately snaps out of her daze then eyes her own circle of friends.


"You're not listening, are you?" She blushes in embarrassment.

"Who were you looking at?"

"No one."

A female council member glances to which direction she was looking at but no one seemed to stand out for her.

"I suppose we could continue this after lunch." The student council president declares whilst shaking his iced coffee.

It was a bright sunny day, the temperature was a bit hotter than usual so not everyone seems to pay attention to anything other than themselves. The students were trying their best to not let the heat get the best of them. One of those exceptions was Y/N L/N. Her face heats more when the boy gazes upon her direction prior. She turns her head quickly, afraid of getting caught.

Hours passed quickly and she was shortly assigned to desk duty situated outside the building.

Y/N is an active member of the student council and one of her tasks today was to sit by their booth. One of the members, went on an errand by a teacher, hence, an empty chair beside her.

Y/N rests her head against her palm, sitting behind the desk. She sighs, looking for the same quiet boy she had observed earlier. He was now out of her sight but not out of her mind.

"Y/N! Y/N! Let's go karaoke after school!" Her friend comes out from the large crowd of students, dragging 2 more people with her.

She gives a small smile, shaking her head.

"Maybe next time?"

"Aw come one Y/N, just this once? You're everyone's role model and the student council's darling. Don't you want to have fun once in a while?"

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