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Sung Jinwoo froze from where he stood. He could her the door close before he could say anything. Was he surprised? He definitely was. If he could tell his friends what happened, he'd know that they'd be sceptical. Sung Jinwoo? Kissed? By L/N Y/N?

The tiny hairs on his skin stood up once he felt someone staring from inside the house. He'd look up to see an older man with similar features as Y/N. Did he saw it? He probably did.

His eyes had been scrutinizing the boy, his hand holding a mug with steam coming out.

"G- Good evening... Sir" He harrumphed before closing the blinds rather harshly.

He sighs in relief before he suddenly jumps while walking back to the train station. His eyes were wide the whole time he went home. It is as if he had just woken up from a good nap. He had the urge to move his body more.

He reached his home and saw his mother watching tv, his dad is already asleep on the couch and hand still gripping the remote control. Her head turns when she hears the door open and close.

"Oh Jinwoo?" She looked puzzled for a second but a thought suddenly went through her head and chuckled at herself. She didn't need to ask him about anything. She knew the moment she saw his face.

"If you're still hungry, leftovers in the fridge." He nods, removing his shoes and putting on his house slippers. He hears the door open upstairs and Sung Jinah, his younger sister, went down for a glass of water. She gave him a blank stare to which turned into disgust.

"Eughhh..." That still didn't stop him from being so giddy.

For Jinwoo, the night was much longer than usual. He disposed of the trash bags outside and into the bin, took a shower, changed his clothes, hopped on his bed and scrolled through his apps.

He had not noticed how his notifications blew up since he always has his social media app on mute. He wouldn't bother opening it unless it was something important or he's using it to pass time.

Y/N is calling...

His phone flips into the air and his hands clumsily try to catch it. The screen hit his forehead which answered the call.

"Hey Jinwoo..." He almost hiccupped from how approximately close her voice is to his ear.

"H- Hey.."

"Are you home?" She's just concerned.

"Y-Yes.. ummm a- about what happened before.."

"What about it?" She was confident, the full opposite of what she was earlier.

"W- Why did you suddenly kiss me like that? Is there any reason?"

"Hmm.. because-"


"You'recutebye." She ended the call. He had a big smile on his face which eventually turned into a full blown laughter. His face planted onto the pillow to muffle the sound.

The only light from his room was his phone. With his stomach laying on top of the mattress, he opens the app from his phone, resuming where he was earlier.

He was tagged on a photo. Intrigued, he opened and was directed to the school's photography club's page.

HAPPENING NOW: Let's reflect on the journey of this academic year as we celebrate the ......

He skipped the lines and went through the photos. It was a photo of them at the cafe. Y/N smiling throughout the picture, listening to him. His heart went through several back flips this day. He saved the photo on his phone and liked the image.

He really should try to sleep.

Liked by Mina, Ye, and 99 others


Student #39710482: 😏
Student #97638176: Isn't that Sung Jinwoo?
Student #8266489: Who took the photos? This is not a news page but a paparazzi page.
Student #9263728: Two top students of their class. Why am I not surprised?

His notifications pinged once more.

Y/N L/N liked the photo.

She liked it. He repeated in his mind. He flipped on his back and stared at the ceiling. The feeling of elation was instantly replaced by dread. What if... What if she was just pretending to be happy so she doesn't look like she's impolite? What if every sign that hinted at her liking him was just his overthinking? He hid his eyes with his arm. He didn't like the thought of it at all.

He was happy but confused.

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