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Something rose within Sung Jinwoo and he nervously fumbled in his pocket, trying to distract himself from the soft feeling of her back.

Y/N felt something hard. Her mouth forms an 'o' shape.

He manages to get ahold of his phone, his ears and fingers red. With his cold hands still shaking, the phone slips through his nervous hands.

"Uhh.. sorry.." He leans down, pushing the person behind and reaching for his phone on the floor. The train swerves right, which caused the boy's head to move forward.

With his both hands raised, he tries not to stumble but grips her thighs instead. His head now leaning towards her butt. His heart went haywire. His cheek was pressed to her lower cheek. Zxjeixi283orykdjw

His eyes widened, when he was met face to face with her underwear. It's color-

He wanted nothing but to bury himself in a grave and never comeback again. Seconds felt like an eternity but once the doors were open, Sung Jinwoo sprints, running away as far as he could, hoping she'd never see him again. ̷S̷̷h̷̷i̷̷t̷ ̷S̷̷h̷̷i̷̷t̷ ̷S̷̷h̷̷i̷̷t̷. What was I thinking?!

"J- Jin-"

"... your phone." Her voice trails off, unheard.

But he couldn't. She is his classmate.

Throughout the whole class, he did his all, trying to avoid her and getting out of her sight. He didn't want to remember. All he could think about when he sees her face was that color. He shouldn't. He knew it was disrespectful.

He sat on the bench, watching the whole class playing dodge ball. He crouched down, trying to be invisible as he had always been but it seems to fail him whenever it's Y/N L/N. She always sees him.

She stares at him from the center of the gym.

He flees and this time he hides inside the storage room,sitting on the floor while leaning against the cabinets.

The door creaks, and he hears the wheels gliding along with a pair of footsteps.

"Jinwoo?" Oh my luck.. He looks up and sees a pair of E/C eyes, curious. She was sweaty, her shirt clinging onto her skin with a towel perched on her shoulder. He gulps nervously.

"Uh.. Y/N"

"Why are you here?" They both asked at the same time.

"Well.. " She puts a hand on her hip.

"I'm here to store these away." Referring to the equipment.

"And I'm here... " He sighs, contemplating.

"To hide my embarrassment.. from earlier. I'm sorry." He lowers his head.

She looks thoughtful, but smiles either way much to his dismay. She was too kind for him. Too much for him.

"It was an accident. I swear.... I'm- I'm not a pervert." He mumbles that last part.

"I know you're not. I trust you."

"But I don't trust myself Y/N"

"What are you even embarrassed about? It's normal."

"Yeah. But not in front of you. Not you." She waves his phone in front of him, then reaches out to him.

"Forgot something?" His eyes widened in realization.

She raised her hand higher, when tries to grab his phone.

"What gives?"

"Is that why you're trying to avoid me?" She waves his phone while sticking her tongue out.

"Yes! I mean no! Partially because of what happened but no!"


"Yes!" He stood up but as he did so, bumped his head to her chin.

"Ow!" She stumbles, clutching her injured chin. With her footing lost, she falls backwards.

He quickly grips her arms, twisting his body so he could soften her fall.


"That hurt"

Not far from them, the door had already creaked open. Their P.E. teacher stares at them, disappointedly.

"I- It's not what it looks like!" Sung Jinwoo reasons.

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