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He tossed and turned on his bed throughout the night. Several thoughts running in his mind, yet all of these only pertains to one person.

The cold blankets didn't help him, and his pillow turning hot as he constantly moves his head around. He was excited, confused, worried, and a lot of things. What should he say? He wanted to convey his thoughts and feelings. He likes her. He likes being around her. Keep it simple. He thinks.

The door to his room creaks open. He immediately covered his face with his blanket.

"Jinwoo?" He hears her mother ask.

"I know you're not asleep. You kick your blankets when you do." Sh!t. He removed the blankets and turned to face her.

"Uhh yes mom?" He smiles nervously.

"You should go for it."


"Whoever she is, if she makes you this happy, you should go for it. We only have one life and we should make the most out of it before we regret the things we should've said. " She pauses and briefly reminisces about her parents to which Jinwoo felt bad for.

He touches her shoulder. "Mom, I know. It's just... I'm just sorting things out so that when- when I could say what I wanted, she'd understand things clearly between us. I wanted to give the best that I could." His face heats up.

"Oh you-" She ruffles his hair adoringly.

"Go to sleep" She got up and closed the door.

He turned to a much more comfortable position, closing his eyes and creating so many scenarios in his head that he eventually fell asleep.

However, Y/N was doing a much more horrible job than Jinwoo. Once she had closed the door, she could see her father peering through the window, a scowl visible on his face. He had not said anything, but his gestures had told her that he did not like him.

"Daaaad.." She warns.

"What? He's suspicious." He replies back.

"Whatever it is, just let her be. She's not a kid anymore." Her mother replies from the kitchen, popcorn on her hand.

"And he's not suspicious, you are." She retorts to which he almost choked on his drink.

"I don't want to talk about this." Y/N says and runs inside her room. She quickly changed her clothes and flopped onto her bed.

Was he ok with it? Disgusted? She didn't know but it sure is fun when she sees how surprised and flustered he looks. So much for being a student role model. Not that she wanted it to be anyway. It was suddenly enforced on her since numerous members and teachers had set her as an example.

She should really call him to know he's safe. Breathing in and out slowly, she tried to point at the call button but could not. Maybe he's still traveling? She guesses it will take some time so she opens her phone and scrolls down.

She was tagged in a photo and it looked like a date. Her face was absolutely glowing. There was no denying it. Even her group chat says so, with everyone agreeing. Her club group chat was also connecting the dots until they all holler at the realization that she had been looking at him all along. She was deeply embarrassed, rightfully so. Where was her dignity? Gone reduced to ashes. Everyone from her circle knew now.

To her consolation, with her friends knowing that she likes him meant that he was off limits to them, unless he'd allow it.

She didn't know how to face them now. She'll act like it was nothing? It was not nothing. Regardless of how they though of her, its what he thought of her matters. Would he see her differently? She was given another opportunity and she would be stupid if she didn't grab it.

"I like you!"

He opens and closes his mouth several times. Bewildered at her confession. Who? Me? He looks at her doubtfully but it still made his heart race. Truthfully, he knew boys at their school who are popular for their looks but not him. He knew this fact when girls often are sharing photos of the guys they like, even going as far as finding out their personal information

"I like you Sung Jinwoo. Please go out with me!" She bows to which the boy takes a step back.

"I'll- I'll think about it." He scratches the back of his head. Frankly, he just knew her just because their classrooms are next to each other. So technically, they're just acquaintances.

"R-Really?" She looked so hopefull to which he felt guilty deeply on the inside. He needs time to simply process what she had asked of him.

"Thank you" She smiles before simply skipping away to her friends.

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