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"Mina! Please! Care to give this poor human your answers?"


"I'll be replacing you for cleaning duty."

"Fine." She rolls her eyes playfully before getting her book from her table.

"Yes! See that Y/N? I know she loves me."

Y/N freezes, losing her composure.  We have homework? She want to slap herself silly. Of course they do, its just that she's busy from helping the cycling team recruit more club members and moving the drinks to their club room.

"Where are you going?" They see her packing up her book and her pen.

"I just remembered something." She smiles nervously, already walking outside their classroom.

"She forgot to do her homework, didn't she?"

She groans in frustration, tapping her pen repeatedly onto the unanswered pages. She tried to think more deeply but it had not work. Her fingers flips through her books, trying to find sample solutions but none seems to match the problems.

A pair of hands landed on her shoulder, causing the female to jolt. She almost made a sound, remembering she was at the library. Several feet away were students sleeping behind the shelves not that anyone was bothered by it. She wanted to slack off but she couldn't. She didn't want to make people think less of her.

She didn't want to trouble anyone.

"Need help?" Her thought fades away.

"Jinwoo, you scared me." She slaps his shoulder. He ignores her word and glances at her work.

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to answer this stupid homework." She grumbles, each word decreasing in volume.

"Isn't this due today?" She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.

"You can laugh now, Jinwoo. I won't judge." She scowls while he smiles in amusement.

"I don't. It's just funny watching you make faces."

"I do not make faces" She pouts.

"Yes you do." He sat down and opened his own notebook.

Her eyes shine but immediately changes when he merely turns to a blank page. He glances at her, smirking.

"Better work for it, Miss Y/N"

"I hate you." He chuckles in reply and proceeds to point out her mistakes.

"I almost didn't believe you when you said you liked Chiffon. Now I do."  He remembers.

"You're so mean to me."

"I do not. You did this all on your own. We have two hours or so left." He noticed that she neither agreed nor declined.

He guides her throughout and answers her questions. He talked about the tips he had made and how he managed to shorten the process. He slightly leans forward, explaining what part of the process she did wrong.

She merely looks at him in awe, nodding along and gaining more understanding on which equation was the first to do.

Y/N never thought of herself as a smart person. She's never the top of her class and the only reason she thinks she has higher grades is because she's good at sports and other extra curricular activities. 

She was left to solve on her own, while Jinwoo went to buy something.

"You're doing great." He returns, carrying two banana milks. He hands one to which she gratefully accepts.

"T-Thanks." She opens and takes a sip.

"You know.. You really aren't a bother." He says out of the blue which had also surprised him internally. Great. Now she thinks I'm nosy.

"I wanted you to know that it's ok to ask for help. You don't have to do everything by yourself." She fiddles with her pen, feeling embarrassed at his statement.

"But I don't want to inconvenience anyone. I really don't."

"If you don't want to bother anyone for help, why don't you start with me?" He insists, while hides his nervousness. He didn't want to force her if she didn't want to but he really thought she could use his help.

"I don't. I don't want you to think less of me."

"I'm your friend, aren't I? Besides there's nothing wrong with it and if it's you, who wouldn't refuse."

"You think too highly of me." She shakes her head, feeling hot from his words.

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