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A week went by and it was the first day of the event. Everyone was prepared with their own cheering props. For their class, it was pom poms.

The crowd gathered by the field track and students were arranged according to their section. In the middle of the field were different teams and for their class, one of their representatives was Y/N.

She could barely hear herself from the yells and the cheers amongst different classes. Groups were doing basic stretches to avoid injuries before the start of the competition.

The emcee had already started taking the lead, introducing the staff, and the people who will be assisting the race. Each class made a demonstration of their cheer once they were being called. Everyone was in their best condition, and in their competitive zone.

Her eyes glanced at her classmates and back onto her team. Their leader gave some words of encouragement before getting into their places.

"Everyone in your places-

Get set!" There was a short pause before the teacher whistled and each team ran.

"Miya! Miya! Miya!" Her classmates cheered for the person who is currently running on their team.

Everyone gave it their all as they ran as fast as they could to reach the other person in their team.

She could feel the heat slightly getting to her skin once time passed as her turn got nearer and nearer. The pressure to win rises, as the last person in the line. They are currently in third place.

"Y/N!" She hears two distinct shouts. Her head turns fast, seeing Mina and Jinwoo, bandanas on their foreheads. They both were sweating and heavily breathing probably from running to see the game.

"Y/N!" He was carrying two large glow sticks? which light barely shines because they were outside and it was daytime. He was frantically waving it that he looked like an aircraft marshall.

She snorted but now feels energized at their support.

"Y/N!" She hears him.

The class went nuts. Hollering and running towards their classmates. They have high fives while waving their pom poms crazily and throwing them high in the air.

"We won!" Mina runs and shakes her friend who was sweating heavily from the run.

"Woohooo!" She cheers again.

"Sorry about that." Y/N turns and sees Jinwoo, trying to ignore the loud noises from all around him. A student suddenly gave him a headlock and ruffled his hair then suddenly yelled at his face.

"Hi Jinwoo-" Someone shoved a whole carrot in his mouth. He chokes and removes the vegetable.

Y/N sighs and blinks twice

"Enough!" She stops everyone from rioting and scolds the person who shoved the carrot. For a second, she had questioned how the carrot had gotten there. She made the student apologize.

"Are you ok?" Her hand touches his back, concerned.

"I- I'm alright." He shakes his head. She saw that. Inside, he was deeply embarrassed.

"Wait for me?" She smiles before going to a bench where her belongings are, never hearing him answer.

Once she was done with her business, she jogged lightly towards him. She grabs his wrist and drags him with her.

"Where are we going?"

"To celebrate and also... " Her mouth stops and just shrugs, much to the boy's confusion.

"And also?" She merely giggles to his response.

"Can't say." They both stopped at the cafe with still a few customers lounging. Every student staff member was in cosplay much to their delight.

Jinwoo walks beside her as they went in, earning a few curious stares before resuming to what they were previously doing.

They both settled on a table near the window for a better experience. A staff member immediately hands them their menus before leaving them alone to decide.

He looks at her then observes the cute decors inside the room. They even have a small merch that consists of key chains and stickers. He was giddy on the inside, immediately forgetting what he was upset about.

Her eyes scanned the menu before glancing at him. He was eyeing the figurine displays.

"What would you like to order?"

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