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Today was just an ordinary day for a student like Sung Jinwoo. He woke up, washed, ate and bid his family goodbye. He boards the train as usual while passing through various people. For today it might seem out of the ordinary, for him, it would be an awakening.

He quickly apologizes, trying to get inside the heavily crowded vehicle. He gives a short nod, trying to move to the side, to escape the onslaught of new people boarding the train.

When he spots a h/c colored hair approaching, his eye squints, trying to assess whomever was going near him. As soon as he saw her face, he felt his heart leap through his chest. It's Y/N L/N. The prettiest girl from her school. He wasn't sure if she really was the prettiest girl in school but to him, she is.

He had known her since pre school. She's incredibly kind, gets along well with other people, and her presence felt like he was staring at the sun itself. Completely out of his league.

Sighing, he attempts to think about anything other than her.

He tries to look in a different direction, avoiding eye contact and making sure she never sees him. But she somehow does. Her eyes shine brightly, keeping eye contact.

"Hello Jinwoo" She remembers. Of course she does, Sung Jinwoo is always top of the class. He reasons.

"Ah. Hello Y/N"

"How are you? I didn't know that you boarded the same train as me."

"Ah well.. I just got here early today. I lost my friend yesterday to a game. So.. I..." He scratches the back of his head.

"I have to be early and do this weird ritual where we run circles around the school."

He scoots his body to the side, offering to let her stand next to the window. He switches places with her, blocking her frame against other people.

"That's really cool Jinwoo, you really have a cool hobby." His face warmed.

"Not really... "

"But it is. Not a lot of people can balance playing games and studying and you sir... have good grades." He didn't know whether he should be touched or embarrassed when she had also poked his chest playfully.

"Well... that's nothing, compared to miss student-council-busy-bee Y/N" Was that okay? He felt stupid trying to tease her when they weren't even close in the first place.

She giggles, making his heart leap.

"I still think yours is cooler."

Eventually more and more people got in, which pushed her more towards him. His hand grips on the handle, trying his best not to squish, nor invade her personal space.

"I'm sorry." She says, her arms were already crossing her chest, touched his.

"I- I'ts fine really." His face was much warmer than before. C-Close! He could smell her perfume. I wonder what it is. He wanted to slap himself silly. His lips were a tiny bit closer to her forehead. He could smell her hair more intensely which made him feel more like a creep.

She too, could smell his scent.

"I- I'll just turn around."


When she got enough space, she turned around facing the window.  He sighs, silently thanking that she doesn't have to face him but oh boy, he spoke too soon.

Someone had pushed him forward, causing the poor boy, to squish his classmate. He could feel her butt press against his crotch.His back was once again, suddenly pushed which made him feel more of her body. He tries to wiggle himself to her side, but it merely causes him to grind more. Dammit.

He tried one last time, only to emphasize the situation they were in.

She ducks her head down, as the crowd was constantly pushing due to the tight space. Heat quickly envelops her face.

Sung Jinwoo shakes embarrassedly, feeling something within him rise. His mouth tried to say words of apology but it merely sounded like whimpers. He couldn't utter a coherent word.

He chanted the theme song of his favorite game but it barely does work, not when she had also moved her body, attempting not to make the situation as uncomfortable as it is for them. Her back rubbing against his torso.

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