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Y/N L/N woke up early as usual, casually doing her morning routine and bids her family goodbye while never forgetting her lunch she prepared the night before.

Carrying boxes of colored papers, a bunch of markers and glue guns, she made way through the corridors and hallway, rushing to give the materials on time.Her schedule was severely occupied with volunteer work.

Everyone was bustling with excitement since they were given the time to themselves to finish setting up various activities. free from studying

A member of the photography club, Yejin, have been taking photos of the whole set up process to send to their school's journalist club. She went to different areas and took a shot if something was interesting. She sees Y/N and takes a photo and proceeds on her way to another booth.

The school's foundation day was coming, so booths from different clubs were being set up. Families and alumni would come and see the 3 days of festivities.

She walks faster, packing things and grabbing the items needed for decor. Her brain was in work mode, as the secretary was keeping the entire checklist and making sure everyone got what they needed and had to be done.

Sweat visibly drops from her forehead, she ties her hair neatly while the baby hairs clung to her skin. She wipes it with her towel and hangs it around her neck. She could feel her arms slightly ache from carrying the boxes.

As she was walking, she bumped into a person, causing the colored papers to scatter to the ground, while the markers rolled everywhere else.

"Sorry!" She hears a student shout before running away.

She sighs before bending down and grabbing the items. Another hand reaches for the marker causing the female to look up in curiosity.

"Jinwoo?" He glances up at her, the corner of his lips lifting slightly.

"Hey" His hand reaches for the rest of the items and they didn't take that much time to clean everything.

She lifted the box once more but stopped when he clutched her wrist.

"Let me."

"You don't have to." He glances at the red marks in her arms and frowns.

"You're already tired. Why don't you take a break?" She wanted to argue but stops. He was right.

"Thanks Jinwoo." He nods and lifts the boxes. They walked alongside each other, going towards the school's gymnasium.

They talked about the upcoming contests and the booths they were about to try. She was giddy especially when an anime themed cafe was set up and she had always wanted to try the food that she can only see on TV. This was the school council's idea. To increase the number of attractions, they invited a cafe and other shops near their school.

While they were talking, several eyes were curiously watching them, mostly from the club members and their classmates who were currently working on the stage.

"Who's that?" Taemin asks.

"That's Sung Jinwoo. Y/N's classmate. I heard he's from the gaming club."

"They seemed close."

"Well duh. They're classmates."

"No. That's not what I meant. I mean as far as I know the gaming club's booth is from the far opposite side." He stops, and thinks. He stares at Jinwoo who obviously was staring at Y/N. He grins widely.

"I've got the goods!" Yejin yells while two boys are delivering snacks and drinks behind her.

"Sweetness" The students stopped what they were doing and hurriedly went for the snacks, afraid that they couldn't get their share and also to sneak another one if they have extras left.

"Y/N-ah, don't forget to bring your boyfriend! They're enough for everyone." He winks and grabs the attention of everyone in that room. They all turned to Y/N and Jinwoo, faces red in embarrassment.

"Oooohh" The club members were clamoring in excitement.

"No were not!/We didn't-" The pair shouted in sync.

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