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"Ms. L/N, I have expected more from you and you-" He pauses, eyeing the feeble boy beside her. His wrist was continuously rotating the large folding fan on his face.

"You better control those urges boy." He blushed immediately.

"Since both of you have been exemplary students of this institution. I'll let you off after an hour. You better be in your best behavior while I'm gone. Separated." He emphasizes but not without giving the boy a long stare and gave one last look at the surveillance camera blinking.

Both students find themselves inside the detention room, their P.E. teacher shaking his head. He exits the room, leaving the two alone.

She laughs out of nowhere, earning a scowl from him.

"So.. it only takes an awkward moment, for you to talk to me."

"No, I do not... It's just that you don't have to. You don't have to make me like you like everybody does. I do."

"But you still don't believe me." He keeps his mouth shut after her statement.

"Back then, I wasn't really good at getting along with other people." He stares at her for a few moments before looking away.

"But there was this person..." She trails off.

"Well.. enough about me. What about you Mr.? What's your excuse?"

"A- Aren't you gonna continue your story?"

"What? You curious?"

"Ha! You are!" Her finger points at him.

"You started it." She stuck her tongue.

Annoyed, he puts his finger in her tongue. He snickers, watching the girl's face scrunch in disgust.

"That's what you get for teasing me." He grins.

"Which part?" She raises her eyebrows suggestively.

"Which part, Jinwoo?" He grabs his water bottle and slightly dampens his fingers with the liquid. He proceeds to flick water to her face.

"Bad Y/N" Her eyebrows furrow and her hands cover her face from his sudden attack.

"Stop!" She laughs when Jinwoo still flicks the water.

"Nope" With her hands getting more wet, she steps back, evading the droplets.

"Jinwoo!" She turns casually but eventually runs when he doesn't relent his attacks.

He grins menacingly, running across the room to hit her with more water.

"Okay, okay! I yield!" He stops and laughs with her.

"That's what you get." There was a long moment of silence for when they both stopped laughing.

"So.. we're good now?" Jinwoo asks.

"Define good." He raises the water bottle from his hand in a teasing manner. She rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

"What time is it?"

"Not that long." He glances at his watch.

She walks and sits, her legs resting on top another chair. Her head leans back and sighs, having nothing to do but wait for the time to pass.

"I'm bored now." She spoke.

"It's better to be bored than the teacher giving us a much harsher punishment."

"True" She peeks at him and sees that he's sitting beside her.

"Is something bothering you?" He shrugs.

"Well.." His finger scratches the side of his face.

"There's this event that I wanted to attend but no one's coming with me."

"I booked an additional spot for my friend but he already has plans to go out with his girlfriend while everyone has to stay for remedial class."

"Are you asking me out?"

"No!" She raises her brows. His ears were red and panic sets in.

"No! I mean yes! But as a friend. As a friend. I mean you're the last person I've ever wanted to ask about and that you're my friend now." He tries to explain.

"What now?"

"I mean between you and my friends. I'd choose you because they had other plans." He continues.

She didn't know whether to laugh or be hurt and she didn't know whether he understood what he was saying or not.

"I can't believe you." She pinches her nose.

"It's a compliment. I swear. You're the last person I'd ever ask because I don't want to disturb your important time."

She laughs hard when he's done speaking.

"You know Jinwoo? You should write a book." He looks lost.

"Uhh thanks?"

"The title should be How to Offend Women in 30 Seconds or Less."

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