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A girlfriend? Him? If he ever says yes, it would be his first time being in a relationship. He couldn't fathom the idea of spending time with another person, much less a person of another gender. A kiss... A hug.. that was such a foreign thing for him. He shakes his head. He couldn't stop thinking about it.

"I say go for it." His friend advised.

"Come on. Its once in a lifetime opportunity to get into a relationship you lucky bastard." He cusses out the last part.

"Us single dogs can't relate to you now."

If its bothering him that much, maybe he'll just give it a try? He went home with these thoughts in mind. He was ready.

He scans through the group of students coming in, searching for the girl who had spilled her feelings yesterday. He asks a student from her class. The student was curious but did not pry more. Jinwoo thanks him and proceeds to walk to where she usually hangs out.

Boisterous laughter rang in the distance, he located the sound at a faucet station where a group of girls were washing their hands, most likely coming out from P.E. He was hesitant to approach, especially when she was with friends.

"He's really cool you know? When that part where he holds the ball? It's just- ugh!"

"I know right?" Another girl agrees.

"Anyways, how was the confession Hyuna? Did he say yes?" The girls turned to her.

"Ughh.. Don't get me started.." He hears her sigh in annoyance.

"Just why? He's so.. plain and boring. His reaction is what you'd expect a geek guy would react to."  His fists clenched, holding onto his ID sling.

"Why him?! There's tons of guys I could dare to confess to but him?"  They all laughed again. He felt cold. He felt stupid and embarrassed at himself for falling for such a prank. He should've known better.

It was doomed from the start.

He stayed for a little while, if there was more to say yet all he heard were a myriad of mocking sounds and giggling at the idea of messing with a stranger that they just have to pick on.

"I- I'm sorry but I can't. I don't know you that well a- and being in a relationship is currently a burden to me." He had already rehearsed his excuse to which the girl crossed her arms, raising a brow as if to say 'really?'.

"W-Well you're not handsome anyway." She rolls her eyes.

"In fact, you should be grateful. That someone like me would ever want anything with someone like you."

She huffed in annoyance and turned back to where she had come from. He exhales deeply, emotionally exhausted. If this is what being played for a fool feels like, then maybe he shouldn't even be involved in such thing again.

A letter. A letter was placed from his locker. It was almost devoured by heart stickers to which the young boy felt funny but still in unease. It had been months since the silly confession happened but remained new on his mind.

He inspects and sees his name on the envelope. His heart felt heavier as he remembered his first confession. Should he open it? Slightly intrigued, he opens the letter.

Please meet me after school by 5.


'This is getting ridiculous.' He thinks, deciding to end things quickly to avoid more trouble.

Dejected, he finished tidying up his books and left for the said location. He was done and tired from listening to lectures all day. He wanted to go home as soon as possible and it didn't help that minutes of his time was wasted waiting for this person.

A person was standing in the distance. Her back faced towards him, she was fidgeting on her shoes. She was looking left and right.

"Hey" She yelps, hearing his voice from behind.

She turns around, her face embedded in his brain.

"Jinwoo! Someone's here for you!" He was startled awake. His eyes blinking rapidly trying to adjust to the brightness.

"Get down here! Now young man!" He could hear her mother angry yet excited.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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