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They laughed when they suddenly remembered the ghost guy who had tried to scare them off from the other side of the door and ended up being closed by another group of students who went ahead of them. Currently, the Y/N was holding the prizes they've won from the games, mostly candy and mini toys.

Lights were slowly getting turned on as the sun was setting. The festivities only grew louder when more visitors came. She glances at her club members who had also been enjoying themselves whilst keeping an eye on any shenanigans.

Her eyes darted to Jinwoo, who was buying snacks for both of them. They sat on an empty bench away from the main stalls to eat.

"That was fun." He muses, biting off from his tanghulu, the bandana still in his forehead.

"But we still have part two." He reminded her of the tickets. They sat in silence while they ate. Something had been bugging her for a while, contemplating whether she should have brought it up or not now that they were elated. Should she?

Should he? He is edging closer but something from the back of his mind has been telling him not to. Does she even like you? If you think you do, are you sure or are you just delusional? It stings and he was scared. Scared that once he opens his mouth, she would go away as if everything they've done for the past few days didn't exist.

He simply keeps his mouth shut. Just like that.

"Jinwoo.." Please don't.

"Should we head home?"oh? oh. He nods and chucks their trash in the bin.

For a few silent seconds between them, fireworks shot up from the sky which surprised most people. They had not expected the school to even host a fireworks show. Both students looked up to watch the view.

"You guys proposed this idea?" Jinwoo asks, amazed.

"No? We didn't even add it to the list of activities." She was puzzled.

Her phone buzzed a few dozen times. She went to her group chats and saw everyone proactively pointing fingers to who had proposed the idea. Someone tags everyone and announced that it wasn't from the school but from a wedding nearby. The family had asked permission if they could set the fireworks nearby. It ended their short debate.

"Oh." She relays the message to Jinwoo. He sighs but not that surprised.

Once the fireworks stopped, they packed their belongings and waited together outside the school. She grabs her bag to see the boy standing by the gate. She quickly rushes to him. Jinwoo nods and reaches out his hand.

She looks at him, puzzled by his gesture.

"Your bag?"

"Oh? No no no no no... I don't want to burden you or anything-"

"I insist." He took her bag off her shoulders and slung it to his side. She looks at him guiltily but he seemed unfazed at how she stares at him.

"Thank you." She blushes. She wanted to say more but held back her tongue. She shouldn't.

"I wish the event lasted longer." He says and she blushes.

"So that we wouldn't have to think about school work." He added.

"But also with other things that I'd- nevermind."

They walked for a few minutes before they reached the train station. She could her their own footsteps by the stillness of everything around her. Her ears were muffled by her own thoughts.

"I hope this happens often." He says out loud that caught them both off guard. Her mouth hung open.

"I really like it. Its not always that I share things that I like with other people. I have friends but we mostly talk about ranking and uhhh... yeah that." He didn't elaborate more.

The train stops at his station but not once did he budge from where he was standing.

"Jinwoo? I think you should get out before the doors close." He shakes his head.

"Its already late. I have to make sure you go home safe." Or he's just scared of disappointing his mom. Either way, she was grateful that he was there.

They walked outside and Jinwoo follows her. They turned a few corners but still hovered near the street lamps to ensure the neighbors would see them if something happens.

"Jinwoo?" She calls out.


"I didn't know that you were this sweet." She turns her face, hiding her expression from his curious eyes.

He was surprised but then redness creeps to his cheeks and ears.

"Hahaha.. I guess.. so?" Sung Jinwoo felt itchy all over. He wanted to scratch himself silly. Once they reached her house, he handed her belongings.

"Call or text me once you've reached home. Ok?" He nods.

"Good." With her feelings still high, she reached for his collar and tugged towards her. She kissed his cheek and bolted inside.

[A/N: Listening to BBL drizzy while writing this.]

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