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"S- Sorry about that."

"Y- Yeah. No problem at all." Once they've called it a day. Jinwoo and Y/N sat on a bench outside of school, eating the ice cream she had offered for him for the help he did earlier.

"I'm also sorry for my friends. They were excited to see some gossip or something."

"N-No. It's nothing. I don't mind." His eyes widened, immediately regretting the way he had spoken.

"I- I mean. They're not true and they're just teasing us. They all know that we're just friends." Yeah, friends.

Once they were done with the ice cream, they fixed their bags and went home together.

"It's such a tiring day but honestly, it's worth it. We get to enjoy different things aside from school work. It's all coming together." She hypes. Jinwoo shakes his head and chuckles, he couldn't understand where the energy was coming from, especially when they've done so many things together.

His phone vibrates from his pocket. He quickly checks it while she stops when she notices him, glancing at his pockets, hearing the vibrate.

He sheepishly whips out his phone to check the message.

Craaaayz 😈:

You owe me for this. ☝️

Woo 😶‍🌫️:
Yeah yeah brb

"Who's that?" She asks.

"My friend.. uh.." He rapidly thinks of an excuse.

"I lost our ranked match so.. I got to make it up for him." He mumbled the last part.

"Oh okay." He was relieved that she didn't pry further but realizes and overthinks. But then again, why would she? She's not his girlfriend or whatever. He removes the thought from his mind.

They continued their previous conversation before the train stopped at his destination.

"See you tomorrow?"

"See you." She smiles and waves back at him before the doors close.

He clapped his hands to shake off his nervousness. He couldn't believe it himself that everything that transpired with her was within his own accord. His heart beat rises when he sees her. He always thought that she was pretty but even prettier up close.

Once he reached his home, he changed his clothes and plopped comfortably down his bed, with the lower part of his face muffled by his pillow. He opened his phone and looked through his own profile picture. It was a picture of an in game character.


He searches for her name. His heart spiked quickly, feeling instantly guilty for looking through her profile. Not that it was illegal in the first place

Her account pops up. She didn't bother to put on a profile picture. He proceeds to scroll down.

She barely posts anything and if she does, they are just reposts of quotes from pages. He scrolls down and sees a tagged post from her friends.

In the photo, she was in the background, sitting atop an armchair, her torso, facing the windows. Her cheek was resting on her palm, looking at something distant. The school president was holding an iced coffee in the center, and the members were either talking or looking at the camera.

He looks at the date posted. Wasn't this... He stops prying further into his thoughts. He didn't want to be delusional but he also wanted to be.

His fingers accidentally touched the backspace which refreshed the account and on its place was a new picture.

Ye Yejin is with Y/N L/N
1 min ago

Taking a little break 🤳

It was a photo of Y/N with a water bottle in her hand, facing the camera with a smile while Yejin's face peeked through the side of the screen. He was silenced.

He liked the photo and hid his face with his pillow. His leg accidentally kicks his nightstand, causing the poor alarm clock to fall on an unsusual hour.

His phone pinged and saw a new notification.

Y/N L/N wants to add you as a friend.


He immediately clicks yes. He didn't forget to send his friend a battle pass before he slept.

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