Slightly Losing It

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TW: Alcohol use 


Y/n's POV

From how I was facing I could only see his boots. My breath shuttered as my gaze slowly traced his body upwards. I took in the sight of his figure towering over me, analyzing each piece of his clothing. I couldn't help but appreciate how good he looked. When my sight finally reached his face, I gasped, he looked worried. I remember that expression.

*Flashback* -Still Y/n's POV

I was stumbling up the steps of Hell's greatest castle. I knew I wasn't fit for work right now, but at this point I don't care. I was just happy I stopped by the store to grab some travel size liquor bottles to stuff in my pockets. All I wanted to do was ease the stress, I didn't care if it messed with my job.

"Lucifer, punish me, I don't give a shit," I mumbled to myself drunkenly.

My rationale of going to work drunk was that it was better than not showing up at all. Lucifer had a strict rule that if you are unable to come to work for any reason, you have to call them in advance at least two hours before your shift. I assumed this was so they had enough time to find a replacement.

Did I have a phone? No. Did I know two hours ago that I wouldn't come to work? No. So I would much rather show up to work, still doing my job, just with a little help from my pocket booze. I mean, I don't see my bosses for basically the entire day anyways, most of my job is just house chores.

I was trying to avoid punishment by showing up to work, yet claimed I wasn't scared of it at the same time. Not thinking clearly? Yah, I was definitely drunk.

When I got inside, I started work as usual. I organized some drawers left open, washed some dishes, and swept the floors; of course, taking sips from my bottles throughout the day. I didn't care about the weird looks I got from the other workers.

Soon it was lunch time, this was one of a few occurrences a day I will actually see Lucifer or Lilith. My task was to hand them their lunch made by the chef and ask them if they'd like anything else, that's all.

It was a simple task but I couldn't help but feel nervous. Reality started to flush in. Oh god, what if one of them noticed? I would be in such shit.

I went to the kitchen to grab Lilith's food first, but I only saw one plate.

I asked the chef, "wha, where's both- why is there just one plate?"

He stared at me for a moment, realizing I was drunk. Then glared at me when he spoke, "it's just Lucifer today, Lilith went on another trip." He then looked at me up and down, "perhaps I should hand the food to Lucifer today."

I completely ignored his negative tone, "omg could yooouu thanks so muchh." Thank god (or Lucifer? idk), that chef was really about to save my drunk ass.

I resumed my chores putting out some flowers for display and swept the floors, oh wait I already did that. But as soon as I finally came to the realization I had already cleaned the floors, I heard my name.

"Y/n?" the chef spoke in worry.

I lifted my gaze and snapped my back up, trying to seem as normal as possible.

"He wants to see you."

"Wh- what?" my face was covered with sheer panic.

"He wants to-"

"I fuck'n heard you prick," I let go of the broom, letting it slam on the floor. I wasn't actually mad at the chef, I mean, he did try to help me out, but god damn I did not want to hear that sentence for a second time.

The Fiddler (Lucifer x fem reader) - Hazbin HotelWhere stories live. Discover now