Night Ride

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T/W: the feels and smutty stuff


Y/n's POV

After I woke up, I just layed in my bed letting my thoughts rush to me. I reflected on the sound of the fiddle, and that feeling it gave me that I haven't felt in so many years. I thought about that smug smile Lucifer would give me in every interaction. Though I couldn't help but wonder why he decided to stay the night without telling any of the guests, or at least me. Was the violin sound for me? Should I have knocked on his door?

I was soon filled with regret, and as these negative feelings came, I also remembered what happened with Alastor. I've lived in hell for years now, though I have never encountered such a look as the one Alastor gave me. It shook me to my bones. I would hear stories about how dangerous Alastor is, but I never experienced it for myself. Then it came to me, am I in danger?

Alastor, the Alastor, the radio demon who managed to capture some of hell's greatest overlords wants my soul, though he's never showed interest in it before. A pain struck through my heart as I realized for a second time, this time really thinking about the implications, that it's because of Lucifer.

I had no idea if Lucifer still cared for me, so many years have passed since we've last seen each other. If I keep playing along with his flirting, but there are no real emotions behind them, I could be risking my soul. Would Lucifer defend me? I had no idea.

My heart dropped more and more with each question I asked myself. I didn't want to think anymore, I just wanted food. I changed into a cute outfit and went downstairs thinking Lucy would be there. I felt a bit better once I smelled the pancakes.

"Who wants blueberry? Who wants banana? Whooo wants regular? We've got them all!" Charlie set each plate of pancakes on the table as she announced each flavor.

"Yum, this looks delicious babe," Vaggie said in her usual monotone voice, this time sounding a bit more excited.

"Ya really out did yourself Charlie," I grabbed a chair next to Angel as he said this.

"Come on Angel, when has she not 'out done' herself." I turned to face Charlie, "I love that about you Charlie, you put so much effort into everything you do, never change that." Once I said that Charlie's face started to glow.

"Oh, my, God! That was so sweet Y/n, you're definitely gonna be in heaven in no time with the amount of progress you're making!"

"Yah Y/n, what's up with this sudden 'progress'?" I could tell Angel was implying I was happier because of Lucifer. Though I guess it did have something to do with Lucifer, but it was more so because I felt bad about having to lie to Charlie, who after all, found hope in my soul as well as one of my best friends (Angel).

Thinking about the lies immediately reminded me of Lucifer staying the night.

"Charlie, is your dad coming down for breakfast?" Angel nudged me as I said this. Charlie gave me a weird face.

"Umm, he left yesterday evening, did he not say goodbye before he left?" We nodded our heads no. "Hmm, that's weird, usually he's very courteous about that sort of thing."

I was beyond confused when she said this. I mean, I heard his fiddle last night, no one else plays like him. Was I hearing things? And why wouldn't he say goodbye if he actually did leave?

Once I finished my food I headed to the couch and stared at the sealing. Not long after I sat down did I hear the buzz of Nifty's small legs come up to me.

"Your hair looks messy, can I braid it?" she said this reaching her hands to my hair. I nodded my head and closed my eyes as she started to braid.

*Flash back* -Still Y/n's POV

The Fiddler (Lucifer x fem reader) - Hazbin HotelWhere stories live. Discover now