Lust's Finest

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Y/n's POV

When I returned to the living room with our tea, Lucifer wasn't by the fire, instead he was at the bar mixing up a drink. He turned around when he heard me walk in the room and he leaned his back against the bar, smiling at me as I walked in.

He lifted a glass with strange purple liquid in the air, signaling for me to grab it. "Here, this should help you get over whatever alcohol that jackass gave you earlier." I walked over to him, handing him his tea so I could have a free hand.

"It's jasmine," I looked down to the glass he was trying to hand me from the bar, "is that something you conjured up or is it natural?"

He smiled before he responded, "why spend time on something natural if you're given the type of powers I have?"

"Well, I don't tthink I need to take this, I feel fine," I immediately second guessed myself after I said this, noticing that I sturred half the sentence.

"Haha, sure you do," he finally placed the glass in my hand once he said this. I swirled the mysterious purple liquid in my cup.

"If you were any other person I would think that you're trying to drug me right now," I raised my brow at him, then tried to drink the mixture as if it was a shot, expecting it to taste bad, which surprisingly it didn't.

Lucifer walked over to the couch as he spoke. "Good thing I'm not! I can't say the same for Jay though," he almost made me choke on my drink when he said this, and for the next few seconds I was both laughing and coughing. When I regained my breath I spoke.

"I know Jay can be pushy, but I don't think he would go that far." I followed Lucifer to the couch.

"You may not think it, but I can tell he does. I mean, he got to hell somehow."

"I guess you have a point, it was like I saw another side of him tonight. When we used to-" I looked at Lucifer, "get together, I never really gave him a fight." I paused talking for a second as I sat on the couch next to Lucifer. "By the way, I want to say thank you for defending me tonight, you've always known how to make me feel comfortable. You treat me so well."

Lucifer smiled, "it's my pleasure." He glanced at my lips.

"Well I feel sober and healthy, and I've already revisited my past at this place, maybe we should head back now."

"Are you sure? Because if we head back now then I wouldn't be able to give you your present."

"What present?"

Lucifer whistled loudly and stood up from the couch, reaching his hand out as if he was going to help me stand up with him. But when I tried to reach my hand to his, a small bird quickly landed on it, and I gasped from the suddenness.

"Do you like her?" I analyzed the bird a bit. It was reddish-orange with red accent feathers on its tail and wings, and was about the size of a tennis ball.

"She's beautiful," I reached my hand to the bird and it calmly hopped on my finger.

"I don't have a name for her yet, I thought you should name her, that is, if you want her."

"If I want her? Of course I do, she seems sweet and I've never seen a bird this pretty before."

"Yah, I was thinking of you when I made her, you guys suit each other."

"Are you calling me pretty?"

"You could say that." After he said this I felt like I should stop flirting with him for my own sake, but I felt bad since he did just give me a new pet. 

The Fiddler (Lucifer x fem reader) - Hazbin HotelWhere stories live. Discover now