It Won't End, Again

897 32 27

T/w: blood, sexy stuff



Y/n's POV

I felt a pain in my stomach as I slowly opened my eyes, realizing where I was. Flashes came to me from the night before as I looked at the empty food wrappers and bottles of liquor on the floor.

Yesterday the driver from Lucifer's palace dropped me off at a busy apartment complex in the middle of the city. He told me my room number and that I wouldn't have to deal with paying rent, that Lucifer had it covered. The second I walked in my room I dropped my bags and broke down, running to look in the kitchen cabinets to see what I can distract myself with, and of course the pantry was full. I know it was a nice gesture for Lucifer to leave me a full pantry, but it just made me even more heart-broken. Behind all these snacks were two beautiful bottles of vodka. I spent the rest of the night drowning myself with alcohol and snacks while uncontrollably sobbing on my bed to cope with losing Lucifer. From just a few hours of being in this apartment I had already trashed the place.

As I gained more consciousness I noticed something in my mouth and was immediately disgusted. My saddened drunken nature from the night before caused me to fall asleep mid-chew, it didn't even taste like food anymore by the time I woke up. Once I noticed this, I pushed away the wrappers on my sheets and rushed to the toilet to spit it out, though I ended up throwing up from my hangover. My entire body felt like it was in pain, like it felt a physical impact from no longer being with Lucifer. I leaned against the wall next to the toilet and began to cry once again. Was this my life now, rushing to the bathroom every morning cause I couldn't bear to be myself the night before?

I suddenly heard a weird sound coming from my bedroom. I quickly lifted my head up in surprise causing a ringing in my ear as I did so. Once I saw who it was I reached for the toilet once again to throw up. I could see her in the corner of my eye slowly walking towards me, towering over me as she did so. She lifted her foot and kicked me off the toilet. My back was soon on the floor and my neck curved from the pressure of the wall behind me. Her look of rage soon turned into a slight smirk. My breath quivered, I thought this was how I would die, killed by Lilith herself. 

Even though I should be reflecting on my existence, I could only think about Lucifer and how much I just wanted to be by his side in my final moments. Lilith stepped closer to me, her body covering my eyesight as she did so.

"Lilith please-" she then dug her foot in my face, stopping me from talking any more. I could barely breath as my nose was almost fully covered, and blood started to seep down. Her heel was stuck in my mouth and I could taste the salt from the bottom of her shoe.

She laughed a little before she spoke, "can't call me a hypocrite anymore, can you?"

I coughed, choking on the blood seeping down my throat. From the side of her foot I could see that she was starting to glow, causing drips from this glowing substance on her to fall on the floor. I then felt a light coldness in my mouth, realizing that the substance was now on my tongue.

"Swallow it bitch!" she shoved her heel harder into my mouth, at that moment I thought my teeth were about to break, I yelped from the pain. I felt helpless, like there was no other option but death, so I complied and swallowed it. She then took her foot off my mouth and smirked. "Stupid whore, you'll just swallow anything won't you?" I stayed in my position trying to hold in my tears, when she continued to speak, the only part of me that was moving was my chest from how hard I was breathing. "Now if you ever place those rotten lips on him again or even speak a word of what I did you, you'll be dead before my husband can save you, in fact, he wouldn't even know what happened, just that his precious lover girl turned limp."

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