Diner's Devil

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Y/n's POV

Ever since me and Lucifer split apart I hated hell. I mean, when I first got here I definitely didn't like it, but I got used to it, I tolerated it. Being with Lucifer gave me a taste of heaven, so when I lost him I felt like the reality of being in hell set in harshly. I lived alone in the apartment that Lucifer rented for me, so the screams from outside and the fights next door drove me absolutely insane. I yearned for that heavenly feeling again, but I knew we could never be together again. All I wanted to do was forget about him by fully engaging into what has always been my distraction, partying. It's been my escape since high school, and I could only assume the most hardcore partiers ended up in hell. So I explored the nightlife and I started to meet people and form a group. I would try any drug offered to me, I didn't care anymore, I just wanted to feel something other than heart ache. I let go of myself, not caring who I went home with. I made a whole lifestyle out of it, no job, sleep all day, go out all night. The only problem was that I had basically no money to fund it myself, I depended on the people around me.

I would think to myself, 'yah I feel empty inside but at least I'm having fun, at least I'm distracting myself enough to not think about him anymore.' But that was a lie, no matter how many people I was surrounded by I could only think of one, Lucifer. This didn't stop my circle of people to expand.

I spent so much time on my 'distraction' that my connections in the party scene started to run deep. Every night I would go so extreme that people started to hear about me before I even met them. I would get people come up to me as if I was famous. I was known for letting loose, not giving two shits about the consequences.

Then I met someone. I wasn't exactly attracted to him per say, but there was something about him that allured me, that made me forget about Lucifer whenever I was with him. Every night I would sit by him, he would buy me drinks, get me whatever drugs I liked, he treated me well, never letting me pay for myself, not that I could anyways. He made me feel important. We'd ride in his limo around town, which is where I first met Angel Dust. Angel and I got along really well and he soon became my top person to party with, though I would still go a bit more extreme than him.

The man that I spent time with turned out to be one of the top pornography producers in hell, and one of the infamous V's, Valentino. Val I guess caught on to my lack of funding (probably noticing I depended on the coercion of the people around me to pay for me), so he offered me a job. It included that I showed myself to the world, you know, how Angel Dust does. I didn't want to offend Val so I told him I'd think about it. But after I told him this he offered to show me around his studio, and told me how much I'd make, which definitely intrigued me.

I agreed for the tour, but while I was on it I noticed Angel had a black eye, so I pulled him aside and asked him what happened. This is when he warned me about Val, telling me he was abusive and how he could control your emotions with the smoke from his cigarette. He then told me about the Hazbin Hotel, and that I wouldn't have to depend on Val if I went there.

The job did have some appeal to me but my funding problem really wasn't my top priority. I felt like I could go on forever just depending on my ability to convince someone to buy me something. Though I was intrigued by this Hazbin Hotel, it gave me a chance to feel heaven again, to be surrounded by angels instead of just one.

I agreed to join the hotel, and gave myself a few last crazy nights out on the town as a goodbye to this era of partying. After I joined the hotel, I fully invested myself into it. I rarely ever stepped outside anymore, and if I did it was just around the hill that the hotel sat on to watch the sunset or rise, which helped to remind me why I was there: to finally move on from Lucifer by giving myself what he gave me, heaven.

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