Getting Led

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Y/n's POV

I drank from the glass he gave me, it was a vodka soda with a piece of lime on the side. I glanced up from my cup and noticed Lucifer looking at me with a huge grin on his face, I smiled back. He then looked down for a split second, just to quickly look back up at me, again smiling.

I started to make my way closer to him, locking our eyes as I did so. God I missed this. His eyes gazed down on me lovingly, our faces were now about an inch apart. We tilted our heads as our lips were about to touch. I secretly grabbed a napkin from the stack behind him, then pulled away fast, lifting my hand up showing him the napkin I pulled, then placing it under my drink before I set it down.

"The fuck?" It was Husk, he was now pacing towards us. I spotted Angel Dust giggling in the background. "Ain't no fucken way I'm gonna let you two start making out at my workstation."

Lucifer responded proudly, "sorry pal, I just had to make this fine lady a drink since no one was here to assist her on her order."

I responded to this, "Lucy, you know I didn't have an order before you asked me if I wanted a drink," I smirked as I realized the name I called him, God I haven't said that in forever. He raised his brows, a bit flustered.

Husk looked at me disgusted, "look, I don't know, and don't care about any of yall's past, but for fucken christ, could ya please move from behind the bar so I can do my ass of a job."

We shuffled to the side, but once I was out from behind the bar, I immediately was pulled away by an eager Angel Dust.

"What, the fuck, was that," he looked side to side across the floor to regain his thoughts, "I didn't know ya still had it in you toots, you're always so distant when I introduce you to people now."

I know I had gotten close to Angel, but I can't always trust him with the information I tell him, and I didn't want Charley to find out both me and her father lied to her, so I decided to continue to be untruthful.

"I just find him cute, that's all, now that he's not my boss and I'm no longer embarrassed about him firing me." I couldn't bring myself to look at Angel as I said this, I felt guilty.

"I agree, he certainly knows how to use that smile of his," Angel bit his bottom lip after he said this.

"Ha, yah," I thought of Lucifer for a second. "How about we get a drink? I still haven't finished my vodka soda." I looked back hoping Lucifer was still there, but he wasn't. We walked back to the bar and Sir Pentious joined us. For the next 2 hours, Pentious, Angel, Husk, and I joked around at the bar. Somehow the conversation went to how short Lucifer was.

"He isn't that short," I muttered to myself.

Angel heard me, "that's only cause he's tall enough for your tiny ass." I got slightly offended, but continued to joke around.

"I'm not tiny either! You guys are just giants, Mr. 8 feet with heels." I singled in on Angel Dust.

Sir Pentious thought for a second then spoke, "well how tall am I?" This caused Angel to tilt his head a bit to think.

"I don't know. Do we start count'n at the bottom of your tale or just measure how tall you are stand'in up?"

After a while our conversation started to slow down. Realizing we were tired, we parted ways and started to head to our rooms. Me and Angel decided to walk together.

"Is that really it, ya just now find him cute?" I could only assume Angel was talking about Lucifer.

"Yah, I mean, when I worked for him he made sure to be incredibly stern with all his workers, so I never really got a chance to have any romantic feelings for him, just fear." I finally spoke a bit of truth about the situation, though I would've felt less bad if it didn't end with a lie.

The Fiddler (Lucifer x fem reader) - Hazbin HotelWhere stories live. Discover now