Is This It?

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Y/n's POV

Angel and I moved our conversation to one of the decks on the outside of the hotel. We leaned against the fence looking over the city. I've been so distracted for the past few days that I've missed just being able to talk to him freely. I had just finished catching him up on both my past and what's happened these past few days.

"Well it sounds like Jay could go to hell."

"Ha, it's almost like he's in it."

We let a silence fall between us.

"So are ya really not think'n of going to heaven anymore?"

"I don't know. It's all I've thought about since you told me about this place, but now."

"He's here"


Angel quickly backed away from the fence, as if he had a sudden surge of energy. "I'm sorry, I've had enough of this, we've been act'n all serious for the past hour, do ya just wanna get out of here and have some fun? ya know, how we used to."

I raised my eyebrows at him.

"We don't have to go all out or anything, we can just have some fun, refresh our minds a little."

I decided to tease him, "I don't know, it seems pretty cozy in the hotel right now."

"C'mon Y/n you nev-"

"I'm joking! Let's just do it, it seems fun."

For the next thirty minutes we tried on cute outfits and played music, singing along as we did so. We ended up going to one of the clubs I used to practically live in. The second we walked in the place I felt a wave of nostalgia, the familiarity of the smell, the countless memories from practically every corner, I even noticed the subtle changes in decorations.

We found a booth and ordered some shots, then moved to the dance floor. Angel found a guy to dance with and I danced next to them, jumping up and down cheering on Angel as he flirtatiously danced with the random demon. I know I used to party just as a distraction, but I forgot how fun it could be just on its own. After a while, I went to the bar to order Angel and I some more drinks. Though when I did, I couldn't help but notice the conversation between the two girls next to me.

"Yah only if she knew, that girl is such a fuckin ditz."

"Girl I wish I had your confidence, you're actually who I strive to be, I neeed you to be my spirit animal."

"She said she wanted to marry him too, and I actually couldn't stop laughing when she said that, she got so confused."

I glanced over to them, curious about what they were talking about. But when I turned my head back to the bar I realized I recognized one of the girls. I quickly looked at them again to see if I was correct, I was. Though when I did this, she noticed and immediately stopped mid sentence. We just stood there for a second, her friend was in the middle of us, confused as to why her friend went silent.

"Holy shit wait, you're that girl who got with Lucifer aren't you?" She smirked and pointed straight at me.

All I could feel was anger towards her, so I snapped back. "Yah, and you're that bitch who just had to post about it so all of hell could know."

"Hahaha! Holy shit! You're still mad about that!? Omg that's crazy I could never."

"Probably cause you don't know what it's like to care about someone other than yourself."

"Aww you must've really liked him, I mean, I can't blame you. Anyways, that one post of you and the king of hell got me a shit ton of publicity, so thank you!" Her sarcasm just made me even more mad.

The Fiddler (Lucifer x fem reader) - Hazbin HotelWhere stories live. Discover now