Jay's Strange Visit

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A/n: Kinda changed the ending of the last chapter bc I realized it didn't fit the story


Lucifer's POV

After my failed attempt to reach Lilith, I decided to go back to Charlie's hotel. I wanted to tell Y/n that Lilith was in heaven and she couldn't bother us anymore. Almost the whole day had gone by the time I returned.

"I'm ba-!" I couldn't even finish my sentence before Charlie came running up to me.

"Dad! Did you find her?" I stood there for a second, surprised by her sudden energy, "oh dear I hope she didn't decide to leave the hotel, she was making so much progress."

"Charlie you have nothing to worry about, Y/n's fine. She just wanted to take a walk this morning around town, then she saw an old friend on the way back." I wasn't thinking when I said these words. Charlie wasn't back already, I didn't expect her to still be gone. And to top that off, she was last seen with some random guy who can easily take advantage of her. "Wait, she's still gone?"

"Yes dad she is, shouldn't you know that? What have you been doing all day?" Charlie seemed annoyed when she said this. "Can you just see where she is right now, if she's safe?"

"Yes, of course Charlie," I lifted my pointer finger and a golden frame appeared showing Y/n and her friend drunkenly stumbling up the hill leading to the hotel. Charlie turned around and ran out the front door, I chased after her.

"Omg Y/n, you came back!" she yelled to them as she ran down the hill. I just stood at the top watching. When she reached them she put her arm around Y/n, helping her walk up. "And you brought a frieennd." We all knew what Charlie was implying with that statement. Y/n was still with that same guy from earlier. I couldn't help but shake my head after she said that. My presence was finally noticed when Y/n looked up and saw me at the top of the hill.

When they got nearer I spoke, directing it at Y/n's friend. "Welcome sir! I assume you haven't been here before."

"Ahh Lucifer," he shook my hand, "no I haven't but I've heard some wonderful things, you must be a pretty proud father." He then looked over to Charlie, "and you," he grabbed Charlie's hand and kissed it, "I didn't expect you to be so beautiful."

"Oh! Thank you." Charlie was a little shy as she responded.

"Ehem," Vaggie was standing at the door, we all looked up. "Who did you decide to bring here Y/n?"

Y/n's friend was quick to respond, "well my name's Jay, and who are you?"

"Vaggie," there was no movement in her body while she spoke. We all stood there for a second letting the harsh atmosphere caused by Vaggie's stare towards Jay settle.

"Are you guys gonna let me inside orr?" I could tell this 'Jay' guy was an interesting character, I wanted to keep an eye on him. I don't think he came here looking for redemption, especially since he brought Y/n back drunk.

Jay's POV

When we walked inside I immediately noticed the red interior architecture, it reminded me of my job when I was alive. Suddenly my eyes were drawn to a presence and strange distant radio sounds coming from the center of the lobby. I paused from walking when I saw the radio demon standing in the middle of the lobby, everyone passed by me not caring that he was there, though Y/n stayed next to me.

"What's wrong?" She said this quietly so as to not attract attention, but I saw Lucifer turn his head, though he quickly teleported to the bar after a split second.

The Fiddler (Lucifer x fem reader) - Hazbin HotelWhere stories live. Discover now