He's Backk

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T/w: slight mention of blood, sexy stuff



Y/n's POV

I felt like I lost consciousness when Lucifer was beneath me. I couldn't help moving back and forth, and I reached below myself to hold onto his golden hair. I was breathing hard and I soon couldn't handle it anymore. I let out my final moans as I let go of his head and instead placed my hands on my own head, slightly tugging my hair.

Lucifer then crawled back on top of me, we were still wet from being in the water, so he was dripping all over me as he did so. Being out of breath didn't help me control my emotions. I started to breathe even harder, to the point where each breath was long and heavy and tears fell down my face. Lucifer then let himself fall to my side, then reached his hand to wipe my tears.

"What's wrong beautiful?" he turned his head to his side looking at me as he said this. I continued to breathe hard. "Here, just take some deep breaths with me okay." He slid his hand through my hair and guided my breathing. We took a few deep breaths and I was eventually ready to speak.

"Sorry, I just, wow," I knew he was the devil, but I didn't expect it to be that good. So good that it caused me to finally let out some of the emotions I felt from the robbery. "I um, just needed to process that I really did lose everything," Lucifer sat up listening, "it's been wonderful with you for that past few nights, but I guess I haven't really gotten to process that I have a target on my back, along with the fact I lost my house and all my belongings."

"That's totally understandable, you lost everything you worked so hard for, and now that existence you once knew is now gone. You're-" Lucifer paused for a moment, noticing a harsh gust of wind that came towards us, "so strong. C'mon I think we should head out."

I wiped my tears and stood up. We laughed as we awkwardly put our clothes back on. 

"May I?" Lucifer gestured his hand so he could carry me.

"Of course~," I then felt his arm under my legs and the other around my waist. As he flew up, we could see a dust storm in the distance coming near us.

"Ha, now we really need to get out of here," he then flew back down to the car and bowed as he opened the car door for me. For most of the drive back I watched the dust storm slowly getting closer to us in the side view mirror.

*Flashback ended* - Still Y/n's POV

After a little waiting and frantic looks around the hall to see if Alastor was there, Angel finally opened the door.

"What?" Angel seemed annoyed that I woke him.

"I just need to talk, is that okay?"

"Well it depends what it's about," he raised his brow at me, placing one of his hands on his hip.

I sighed then spoke, "It's about Lucifer."

"Oh well in that case, come on in!" Angel seemed cherpier the second I mentioned Lucifer's name. I walked in his room and jumped on his bed, sitting on it. He walked back to his bed and sat up near the headboard. "So did ya have some kind of sex dream about him or somethin?"

"No, I've just, been thinking about him alot."

"Like how much?"

"Well, he's sort of taken over my mind since I saw him again. The way he looked at me before he poured me that drink, and that smile when he saw that I had fallen behind the bar. I try to go about my day, but just thinking about him distracts me so much."

The Fiddler (Lucifer x fem reader) - Hazbin HotelWhere stories live. Discover now